Wrathful Change,Chapter 7

Jul 30, 2011 03:08

Gabriel lay wrapped around his mate as Dean slept and felt at peace for doing so as nothing brought him more joy then being at Dean's side. Even his desire and love for Castiel did not compare to what he felt with Dean in his arms as Dean would always be the one for him. The one being in all creation created just for him. Sure he loved his little brother and would have him as his mate but Dean...It was just different. Dean nuzzled into his neck and Gabriel smiled at how..cute he looked, not that he would ever tell Dean that as Gabriel knew how he would feel about it.

"Stop thinking. You woke me up." Rolling his eyes, Gabriel rolled over on top of Dean and was about to kiss him when thousands upon thousands of voices suddenly screamed into his mind. He let out his own scream as pain like he had never felt before rushed threw him. He felt Dean scrambled up while he yelled for Sam and Cas but all he could do was pray that his Father would make this pain go away. Thankfully He did and Gabriel was able to uncurl and focus on what that was. What he discovered actually horrified him though as Chicago was now gone. Not a single person was alive and the city itself was now under Michigan. Completely flooded. The worse part was that there had been two million, seven hundred thousand before.

Lucifer was stepping it up a notch and very quickly, he had probably heard of his return and was acting swiftly. Gabriel felt like clawing out his own Grace at the fact that his brother was so far gone to do such a thing. To kill millions of people.. Gabriel had never killed a single innocent and he never would, so he simply could not comprehend what his brother had become. This one act actually hurt him more than Lucifer killing him and he hadn't been aware that betrayal could ever be topped.This act though, it was....enough. Gabriel knew now beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lucifer he had loved, who he had been bond to for billions of years was truly dead. There was no getting him back if he could convince his Father to be merciful. The only thing that remained of Lucifer was the Devil and it had to be put down. And quickly before he could do this again.

Gabriel looked up when he felt the approach of a brother and was unsurprised to see Michael. Heaven had to have felt such an unprecedented level of death as well. Not even Hiroshima and Nagasaki had felt like that. The two of them looked at each other for a moment then Gabriel nodded and Michael took him into his arms and they wrapped their wings around each other in comfort. Both knew that this was the end of Lucifer and both mourned for those that had just lost their lives because of their brother.

Dean watched as Michael appeared then took Gabriel into his arms and while he wanted to rip them apart then tell Michael get the hell out, he didn't. Dean had no idea what the hell had just happened and was thus quite willing to allow anything if Gabriel would be better for it. Even allowing the asshole who was in his brother and had wanted to ride him for years comfort Gabriel. Michael obviously knew what was going on and that was enough for Dean.

For Cas and Sam though, who burst into the room, it wasn't. Sam pointed his gun at Michael and Cas started to draw the sigil, to get Michael away from the only brother he had left.

"STOP.. Michael is not here to hurt anyone, so no one is to hurt him." Pulling away from his brother, Gabriel pulled Dean up as he stood." Lucifer just made his next move and it was...a big one."

"Gabe, what did he do?" Dean knew he had to ask but to be honest he really did not want to know what was going on. What Lucifer had done to get that type of reaction from his lover and from Michael. Who while he had only met twice, did not seem the type to react like that. Neither did Gabriel for that matter. For as long as Dean had known him he had no seen his lover so shaken up before as he was right now and Dean did not like it. Something was hurting his lover and he wanted to hurt it back for that.

"Chicago is gone..Wiped away by a storm..By Death." Gabriel watched as Dean went white and almost seemed ready to faint. It was big news after all, the worse they had ever heard before save for learning of the Apocalypse.Thus Dean and Sam were unprepared for such news. Sam had even fainted while Cas just stared at his brothers in shock, not quite believing that it had happened. After all, Father had brought Gabriel back. After saying that he would not interfere, he had brought Gabriel back and given Dean a sword to slay Lucifer with. So how could Father allow such a thing. Allow so many people to die. Cas simply could not comprehend it.

Gabriel took Dean into his arms and tried his best to sooth him even though soothing was not something he had ever really done before. Thankfully Dean didn't require much before he managed to shake it off to focus on the how to stop it from happening ever again.

"Lucifer did this but why? What does he get out of destroying Chicago? Why turn on humanity before he's dealt with Heaven and me?"

Gabriel had no idea how to answer any of those questions as he didn't know how his brother could do such a thing and thus could not help his mate understand. So a new voice helped

"He did it to distract all of you, force you to focus on what just happened and not what is to come."

They all stared at her in shock for Kali,Goddess of Time and Change was before them and they weren't entirely sure why or how she was there. Gabriel reacted by pulling Dean behind him and spreading his wings out to further protect his mate while Sam looked for some weapon that could harm a god. Which they didn't have. Cas went to Gabriel and Dean's side, unsure of who she was but knowing she wasn't human. Michael moved to block her from reaching anyone, ready to smite the abomination that dared to call herself god and dared to have laid with his brother and mate for the centuries that Gabriel had been gone.

"What do you presume to be doing here, creature?" The pure fury that Michael managed to get into his Vessel's voice was very impressive. Gabriel couldn't help but to grin at his brother then refocused on Kali, amazed that his ex had the audacity to show her face after betraying then 'killing' him. It wasn't like her to be suicidal as she couldn't possibly think that he would let her live after that. Saving her from Lucifer was one thing, saving her from himself and Dean was quite another. Not to mention from Michael, who looked ready to strike her down without an answer.

A.N:Reviews are always welcome and are our friends

wrathful change, spn_fanfic, character:michael, fandom:spn, character:castiel, character:dean, spn_fandom, character:gabriel, pairing:dean/gabriel, supernatural

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