Wrathful Change, Chapter 4

May 08, 2011 23:54

Dean's realization that now they had a weapon they could use against Lucifer was greeted with happiness and anger that he was still the one that needed to do it. His reaction to his Father was more violate, especially the part about who his Father was. That wasn't pretty and Gabriel was forced to listen to an hour long rant about douche bag drunken, no good Fathers with really disturbing girlfriends, until finally Gabriel 'distracted' Dean. Though the oddness of the thought of his Father having a girlfriend was enough to make him think about it afterward. There was something off about Dean as well, that Gabriel couldn't place.  Like he was worried about something but refused to speak of it when Gabriel asked so finally Gabriel let it go.

Once Dean and Gabriel were satisfied about their reunion, two weeks had past before they were ready to emerge from their 'honeymoon' suite. Gabriel sent Dean on his way to both of their brothers with the promise that he would return to him as soon as possible and no he would not do anything 'stupid' like die again. Which mildly annoyed Gabriel, he was older then the Universe itself, it wasn't like he went to die all the time. Still, it was kinda sweet so he let it go and prepared to face his siblings for the first time in many millennia.

As Gabriel was suppose to have gone to Heaven first and not Dean, he was unsurprised to find them waiting for him. Father had after all announced his return and his purpose. The greeting Gabriel received on the other hand was surprising. They were joyous at his return, happier then they had been since Lucifer's Fall. It was very surprising, Gabriel had willingly abandoned them after all, ran away and became a pagan God. So he had expected disdain, anger and wrath at his return and his becoming High Prince which had been Michael's position since before ever single one of them had been created. Yet they weren't.

Michael was awaiting him in the higher reaches of Heaven and they just stared at each other. Michael was the first to make a move and did so by pulling Gabriel to him by his wings and just holding on tight with wings, arms and Grace. After a moment, Gabriel did the same as despite everything he did feel the same. While he may hate his siblings so very much, Gabriel did love them all just as much. Michael and Lucifer especially...Raphael he hated more than he loved though.Gabriel only pulled away from Michael when he tried to shift their Grace's together, to have a 'joining'. Sex in essence.

"Michie, you heard Father. I am with Dean now and I will not betray him."The sheer anger on Michael's face was truly breath taking and it almost made Gabriel want to be with him again but he remembered Dean and he remembered the War. Both of those things or just one of them was enough for Gabriel to never 'join' with him again or to even forgive Michael.

"You will truly choice to be with that...annoying mortal over being with your bond-mate."The incredulous in his voice caused Gabriel's wings to shoot up, no one insulted his mate. Especially not the one who had chosen duty over their love.

"I would choice my mate over anything and anyone for he is mine in every sense of that word and Father approves of our union. And we have not been bond-mates in millennia so don't ever speak of it again....I have returned at Father's will otherwise I would not be here. Hell, I disobeyed and went to Dean first instead of coming here as HE wanted. I have not been happy here since you cast Lucifer out and I will never be happy here again. Once this is done I intend to stay on the Earth with Dean no matter what Father wants. So stay out of my way or I will cast you down." With that Gabriel turned and flew away.

After leaving Michael behind, Gabriel headed to Shehaqim, his old home. It was as dreary as he remembered without the joy that had been there because of his bond-mates. The sheer beauty that had existed because he had been happy. There was no life to the place now and for that Gabriel mourned as Shehaqim had once been the grandest of the Heavens and was now probably the worst. Still, there was where he would end this. The place where he had been so happy with Lucifer for so long was the place where he would plan his old bond-mate's death. The place where his Father had dwelled with the four of them for most of their lives.

Summoning all of the Garrison leaders to him, Gabriel waited for them to come. The planning would begin now. Lucifer would die but first, the demons would have to be dealt with. No longer would they be a plight on Humanity..and if perhaps Gabriel was putting Lucifer's death off, well who would dare tell him that. Unlike the rest of his siblings, he wasn't so willing to kill a sibling so quickly. Which was ironic considering that Lucifer had actually killed him, a fact that Gabriel was still hurt about.

Once all of those that had been summoned arrived, Gabriel went over the plans that Dean and him had discussed. How to systematically wipe out all the demons and other creatures residing on the Earth. His siblings were amazed by the plan and overjoyed by the fact that soon Humanity would be free of the evil that constantly killed them.Gabriel was happy to see that most of his family did actually care about the humans and were not part of the plan to force Paradise on them, it was truly a great realization that not all hope was lost for his siblings. Just a few were disdainful for humans and Gabriel would deal with them personally. Make them see the 'error' of their ways by a lot of torture,err he meant pranks of course. The whole 'mud-monkey' thing was coming to an end.

After Gabriel's plans were all laid out carefully before his brethren, he sent all of them away and wandered around Shehaqim. He stared at his Father's throne, long vacant and alone. He gazed at the spots that had particular memory for him and felt great sadness. All of it was lost to him now, the sword at his side would see to that beyond a shadow of a doubt.Not that there was any chance even with Lucifer alive as he would never be allowed to return to Heaven. And..Gabriel would never be able to be with him again after what he had done. He simply isn't capable of that level of forgiveness. No matter what his Father had intended upon making him.

So with one last look around, Gabriel took to the air and flew down to the Earth, leaving the past forever behind him and embracing what was to come. Not knowing that Michael had been watching him for almost the entire time and remembering and mourning with him. Or that Michael watched him leave with a longing that consumed his entire being. Michael had longed for Gabriel for millennia and now, he was returned but not to him and that simple fact was devastating for Michael to realize. He had lost his youngest bondmate just as surly as he had lost Lucifer.

wrathful change, character:michael, fandom:spn, pairing:gabriel/michael, character:dean, character:gabriel, pairing:dean/gabriel, supernatural

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