Wrathful Change, Chapter 2

Apr 29, 2011 02:03

Chapter 22:Happy Reunions

While Heaven was left reeling from 'Chuck's' vision, Gabriel was happily making his way to Dean's side. Eager to once again see him and to see his face when he 'surprises' him. He's sure it will be hilarious and after that they can get to the good stuff, like the 'Hello, I'm alive again' sex. Which will be phenomenal, which was to be expected after all. Gabriel was a sex God and none were better then him though Dean could come in as a close second. As Dean was the perfect match to him in almost every way, a fact that made Gabriel incredibly happy as he had never expected to have such a close connection again after leaving Heaven and Michael behind.

Still Gabriel couldn't help but to play a trick on him when he had such a good opportunity. So upon tracking Dean down by 'feeling' for the piece of Grace Gabriel had put in Dean to keep him safe. Then he appeared in the suckfest of a motel room Dean was staying in invisible and watched Dean for a moment. Feeling his breath catch at the sight of Dean, who was so breath takingly gorgous that it was hard to remember what he was doing. But only for a moment then he remembered and so Gabriel caused a 'earthquake' to happen causing a crack in the floor to open whle creating a 'monster' shaped like a Wookie to rise up from the crack. Dean freaked and scrambled for his gun. Laughing, Gabriel appeared.

"Whats the matter, Deano. Did the little Wookie scare you?" Dean just stared at him in shock for a moment before a bullet was suddenly lodged in Gabriel forehead. Completely shocked at being shoot, Gabriel looked at Dean frowning."Oi. What was that about? I do such a lovely entrance and you shoot me. Thats not very nice, my love and I believe you will now have to be punished." And since he was leering lavishly, there wasn't a single doubt as to what Gabriel meant by that. Dean just glared at Gabriel which such hatred and righteous wrath that it actually (almost) caused Gabriel to take a step back.

"Get the Hell out of his form. I don't know who the fuck you think you are or what you are but if you don't change now I'll 'teach' you a few things I learned in Hell under Alister." Gabriel just looked at him, stunned by Dean's protection of his form and what he was willing to do for it." Did you hear me you son of a bitch...turn NOW."His voice rose in fury but underneath it there was a layer of pure grief, pain and an unending hurt that would never be fully healed. Gabriel looked at Dean and deeply regreted that he had hurt Dean that deeply. It brought him a step closer to looking forward to Lucifer's death for being responsible for Dean mourning him as he had. Gabriel spread his arms and let his wings out, showing off their shadows.

"Its me, Dean. Dad brought me back..Didya think little Cas was the only one He liked...We first 'met' in Springfield, Ohio where a string of odd deaths attracted your notice, we became lovers during the period I kept you 'dead' to teach Sammy-boyo a lesson, which he failed utterly at.In the Mystery Spot at Broward, FLorida...You met the true me in Wellington,Ohio where I kept you trapped in Tv-land and didn't speak to me for seven weeks. Then you called me on the number I gave you after I let you be 'alive' again. You admited to being furious at my 'betrayal', disgusted by my cowardness then you kissed me and told me no more secrets. That I was the one you trusted more than any other and after we celebrated our 'unioun' you admitted that I had deeply hurt you by lying to you and made me promise to never do it again. Which I did after extracting a promise from you not to die..A week later you admited to loving me and I returned that sentiment ten minutes before I died two weeks later.In Munice,Indiana.Can't think of much more to convince you, save to start naming your favorite foods:pies and cheseburgers. Fav sex position:me in you with you riding me. Or.." Dean cut him off by kissing Gabriel desperately.

"Don't you ever....ever...ever do that again..It...Losing you broke me more than losing Sammy...Save I couldn't make a deal.. No one could bring an angel back save...Your not allowed to die again and if it wouldn't break my hand I would hit you, you Goddamn son of a bitch...You are MINE and I will tell you when you can die.Which is never. Do you understand?"Each sentence was followed by a bruising kiss, as if Dean couldn't help himself even as he scolded him. Gabriel found it hot and soon put everything else on hold as he grabbed the back of Dean's head and pulled him to him and they kissed fiercely. Tongues dueling in a fierce duel as they both sought to claim the other utterly, needing to taste and consume the other. Minutes went by without pulling away until finally Gabriel did.

"Hold on."Using his superior strength,Gabriel lifted Dean up and Dean wrapped his long legs around Gabriel's waist without breaking the new kiss. Gabriel held Dean as he carried him over to the bed then in one swift move had them both laying on it without once breaking contact with every inch of Dean's body. Once laying down, their bodies were completly flush with each other. Which caused them both to moan as very important parts of them are touching and when they began to move against each other, sliding their cocks together to pure bliss they swiftly came. It was enough to calm them though they were both still hard and so with some more teasing, Gabriel pulled Dean on top of him and with a thought Dean was ready and sank down onto Gabriel cock. Dean began to ride Gabriel with wild abadon.

Gabriel was the only one that Dean could be free with, could trust all of himself with. As despite keeping who he really was a secret, Gabriel had never let him down. Not truly. Many hours of sex later, they lay together, not cuddling as they were not cuddlers, they were just laying curled up together. Content to be reunited once again. Soon though, when the sun had been risen for several hours, Gabriel was forced to pull away from Dean and wake him up. They had to talk after all and time was not truly on their side. He may be able to stop it but in the long run, they would have to deal with the outside world or Dad wouldn't be happy. So Gabriel stroked Dean's face softly then with fireworks suddenly going off in the room, Dean jerked awake.

"We need to talk,mate of mine."Dean scolded at Gabriel, annoyed at the wake up but then he smiled. Still to happy at Gabriel's return to be angry at him for long. Though knowing Gabriel that wouldn't last long. Dean sighed and spoke,"Talk about what?" Gabriel nuzzled into Dean's neck, speaking into his delicous skin,"The end of Days."

A/N:Need a beta if anyone is interested

character:castiel, character:dean, wrathful change, spn_fanfic, character:gabriel, pairing:dean/gabriel

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