SummerHall,chapter 2

Dec 31, 2014 11:43

The fun that Tyrion was having with Rhaegal and Aerion was the most he had ever had when it did not involve Rhaegar but as time wound down, he did miss his brother. Which was when Rhaegar appeared, reminding Tyrion that Rhaegar always seemed to know when he needed him. Rhaegar was as always so in-tuned with him that Tyrion suspected sometimes that his brother could read his mind as he always seemed to know everything. Tyrion was happy about it and instantly ran over to his brother and was instantly lifted up into the air and swung around. Causing him to giggle, which caused Rhaegar to laugh in true joy. Rhaegar finally stopped spinning when they were both dizzy and tired and he held Tyrion tightly to him and Tyrion helped him by wrapping his arms and legs around his brother.

"What are you up to, my dragon?"

"We're exploring, Rhae. Wanna come with us."

"How could I refuse such a wonderful adventure."

The four of them explored the outside of Summerhall and then went inside and began to explore all that Father had built for Tyrion. It truly amazed Tyrion what his Father had done for him, had started to do for him even before Tyrion was able to walk, talk or even truly move by himself. Summerhall was proof that Father had always loved him, even before Tyrion had truly been a person. Had thoughts of his own. Tyrion found that very comforting even if he had never doubted his Father's love for him it was still nice to know. This grand gesture of Father's ensured that not only did Tyrion know for sure of his Father's love so to did all the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. Rhaegar gained his attention by making a flourishing gesture in front of two large wooden doors that had a large stone.ivory around them that looked like a dragon's skull, with the mouth being the doors. Large rubies were its eyes.

"And this is our legacy, our Hall of Ancestors."

Rhaegar took them into the Hall of Ancestors, as Father had named it. Tyrion was surprised to see that there was copies of all the portraits of the Targaryen dynasty in it just like the ones in the Red Keep. Everyone of the Kings and Queens were in them and there was a portrait of every Targaryen born in the last three hundred years. From Aegon and Rhaenys daughters to even the Martell descendants after Daenerys married Maron Martell. Every single Targaryen now resided withing Summerhall just as they did in the Red Keep. The amount of time and talent that had to go into coping the paintings amazed Tyrion almost as much as the recreation of Summerhall for him. It was also almost as touching as now Tyrion would always have his families legacy with him, even when he was separated from them.

One end of the Hall had the very large portrait of Aegon,Visneya and Rhaenys while the other end had a portrait of father, Mother, Rhaegar and him. All the others were in between the two as befitting the fact that Tyrion's family were the last of the Targaryen legacy. Whenever Tyrion had wanted to be alone but with family at the same time, he had always gone to the Royal Gallery and sat among his ancestors. He had not been aware that anyone had known about that hiding place but obviously someone had for Father to know that he enjoyed being among his ancestors.

"Do you like it, my dragon?"

"I love it, Rhae....It's perfect." Tyrion kissed Rhaegar's cheek and rested his head on his shoulder while looking at the portraits. Aerion looked around at the portraits and sighed in boredom while Rhaegal smiled.

"All of our family in such a glorious Hall...Cousin really did out do himself." Tyrion smirked down at his cousin, happy that someone else also appreciated this room and all its contents.

Rhaegar looked at his cousin."Yes, he did. Summerhall is as much our heritage as Dragonstone and the Red Keep. All those that died here..or didn't die it deserve to be remember here as well as at those places...Now come, there is one more place I think you should see, brother."

The last place they went was to the main tower, they climbed to the very top and once there Tyrion was amazed by what was there. For the roof was made of glass. Some colored and some clear. A huge doom of glass with the very center of it being the symbol of house Targaryen. A three headed dragon. Exquisitely beautiful. There was no walls of stone or wood, only glass in all directions. Only the floor and the entrance in the floor for the staircase were made of stone, everything else was glass. Allowing everyone to see as far as the mountains on one side and Westores in the other.

Tyrion made Rhaegar put him down as he wandered around the room, looking at the glass and at the view. Finding it all simply fascinating in its pure beauty. Tyrion was simply enchanted by it and unwilling to leave. Eventually Aerion and Rhaegal grew bored of the room and left but Rhaegar stayed and simply watched his brother until Tyrion turned to him.

"This room is perfect...but there's...something...Off about it." Rhaegar smiled at his brilliant brother.

"Yes. There is a secret in this room...and several other rooms...In this one though, it is even more unique. Find the dragon that's on the floor."

Tyrion instantly looked around and after a moment of searching something caused him to look at a small sketch of a dragon over by the south window. A dragon.

"Quite good, brother. Now press on it." Tyrion did as instructed and was startled when stone moved and revealed a second staircase. Tyrion laughed and rushed down it, ignoring Rhaegar calling for him. After quite a few stairs Tyrion suddenly found himself in his room. Tyrion was unsure how he had gotten here when he was quite sure that there had not been a doorway here before." You opened the door when you stepped in the third stair."

Tyrion was stopped from speaking when Mischief and Mayhem, his otters, came running over to him. Tyrion scooped them up into his arms and cuddled them close to him then turned to Rhaegar."I quite like all of it, Rhae but now I want to see your Summerhall."

"Mine...Tyrion, all of Summerhall is yours. Father made it for you and your descendants. You know that."

"I know..I want to see your beloved ruins...I want to see where you go when you leave me...I want to see where our family burned."

Even though Tyrion had seen the ruins when they had come to Sumnmerhall, he was not prepared for how horrible and haunting looking they looked once Rhaegar,Arthur and him got close.. He was actually somewhat frightened of it which was a rather new experience for Tyrion as he was rarely ever afraid of anything. None of his family ever allowed him to be.

Rhaegar of course noticed his discomfort and immediately sought to comfort him." There is nothing to fear, my love. There is nothing here that is capable of harming you and even if there was, I would slay it before it could ever lay a single finger one you. As would Arthur."

"I know...Rhae..I just...Sing to me...Please."

"Of course,anything for you." Rhaegar sat on the ground in a rather graceful move and Tyrion instantly moved to his side.

Tyrion listened to Rhaegar's songs in the ruins of the first Summerhall with his eyes closed and his head in his brother's lap. The songs were the saddest that he had ever heard from his brother but they were also the most beautiful. Tyrion had always known that his brother was filled with a melancholy that sometimes consumed him but that no matter how sad or how melancholy Rhaegar became, Tyrion could always bring him back. Even when his brother shunned all company and even food at times, Rhaegar never shunned him.

Tyrion was not entranced with the ruins as Rhaegar was, he much preferred his Summerhall especially as he knew all that had burned withing the ruins but he did feel.. something within them. Almost like something was calling to him, whispering in his ear to come and discover the secrets of the past and while Tyrion was tempted, nothing would ever draw him away from Rhaegar's side. His beloved brother was all he truly needed and nothing would or could change that. Not even his dead ancestors.

The time they spent in Summerhall may have given Tyrion more family and friends but Tyrion would always need his big brother over anything and everything else. At the end of the day, his brother was all that he truly needed and Tyrion was content with that knowledge. Rhaegar was his other half.

Tyrion gradually fell asleep in the ruins of the old Summerhall listening to Rhaegar sing and woke up still in Rhaegar's arms and he was content and at peace with that. He was happy, he had a perfect castle that was all for him and he had his family at his side and his brother entwined with him. Nothing could ever take away that happiness from him.

Or so Tyrion thought upon waking but when they returned to the castle it was to see a search party forming and their father pacing angrily, he knew it could be taken from him. The moment that he saw them Tyrion could almost see Father getting ready to start yelling at them while Mama and Steffon were running over to them.

Tyrion knew as his family coed over him and asked if he was alright that Rhaegar and him were going to be punished for this.

Everything changed though when the messenger arrived from Kings landing and everyone was immediately forced to return though no one would tell Tyrion why. For the messenger had only four words and they both maddened and grieved Aerys.

"Joanna Lannister was dead."
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