Title: It's In Our Blood
Skylar0GraceCrossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy is the property of Joss Whedon, Supernatural is the property of Eric Kripke. If those two wrote together it'd be a beautiful thing. But they haven't, so you have me.
Type: (Gen, Het, or Slash) Het
Word Count: 34,934
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Comments 2
I do like the idea of why they cannot be together though, so very different from what I've ever read before. I'm not surprised at the fact that Castiel knows who she is, it would actually be weird if he didn't. Both for the fact of what she and that she's been to heaven and back. That last one should be a sure-fire way of angels to know of your existence.
Still hate you for breaking them up! :p This just has badness written all over itself. And Buffy waking up alone - Hello, Parker. That's just not gonna go over well and I can only imagine what will happen when she finds him. She did after all state earlier that she could easily track him. With or without his car, I have no doubt about that. And Faith - oh dear. She's gonna wanna kick his ass! (and Sam's probably)
Castiel's appearance was giggle infusing, as always! Love that you played with the whole issue he has with invading personal space *lol* XD
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