Apr 22, 2004 10:52
Ok so my life has been interesting lately, well me and Kyle got in an arguement, well I was mad at him but I dont feel like discussing it because it was just a miscommmunication between the two of us. Work is going well but hectic and yeah I applied for another job so I can have two because I really need money so I can go to college. If and when I go to college Im not so sure I want to go to college here in texas because i am already to move out of texas since i have lived here all my life and I want to venture out and explore the world a whole lot more than that I have already. There is really never anything to do in texas its kinda boring but i guess that is what everyone else says about where they live, i want to move to Mo. so I can go to a good journalistic college since i like to write alot and think i would be good in journalism. Well thats all about now so I will leave saying save a penny save a dime if you keep saving money you are wasting no time. I dont know i just made that up its stupid i know just like me oh well! :)