Paige RIP

Mar 06, 2011 20:35

To all Paige's Live Journal friends.  This is Paige's mother.  I just wanted you'll th know that Paige passed away on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at Tampa General Hospital.  Paige had been ill since the end of December.  We thought she was doing better but on February 19th, she entered the hospital  again.  She fought as hard as she couldto battle an infection that had gotten into her body, but her heart could'nt take the strain.  We are heartbroken over our loss.  But I just wanted to let you all know Paige loved this site.  She loved writing her stories and reading all of yours.  Keep writing and bring joy to others.  Please keep us in your prayers.  We know that Paige is with our Lord Jesus Christ.