so its been a while since last writing.
ive been spending most of this time following endless paper trails in the kafka-hell system that is the turkish beurocracy.
just to do a simple thing like get married. i dont need a piece (or a file of) paper and stamps to get permission from a state - any state - to sign my name on a fucking marriage certificate.
so - ive been doing that and ive been doing other things too.
the music stuff has picked up dramatically in the last month or so. im currently engluphed in 3ree projects - the most interesting of which is the soundtrack of celebrated istanbul artist,
Mehmet Güleryüz's dvd to go with his recent biography. I'm working on this with another and is good cos itll mean publication.
im also working on a jazz/noise project. this is just starting out and consists of bass, drums and 2 vocals. lots of effects thrown into the mix and the possibility of including digital sounds.
also doing a paid gig at 'bronx' bar in beyoğlu, istanbul. more of the traditional variety but the drummer and i have managed to contribute to disfiguring the sound somewhat from it's orignal shape.
meanwhile .. turkish trains..
yes. turkish trains.
i went to alexandropolis (in greece) the other weekend for various (well, one) visa reasons.
was chatting with a greek tour guide on the way back. not far back into turkey again we were joined in our compartment by a friendly middle-aged turkish couple.
in our limited turkish, my companion and i started a conversation. as we were settling down nicely for the remaining 5 hour journey (turkish trains are alas rather slow), the train man came in and told the turkish chaps that they weren't to sit in the same carriage as the foreigners. foreigners and turks are to be segregated during train journeys.. state policy.
this couple weren't travelling light either and as they were collecting their countless bags, proceeded to shout at us. this time the turkish wasn't elementary, so i couldnt understand exactly what they were saying - don't get the feeling it was very nice though.
all hail racial segregation. keep the pride solid ....