Mar 01, 2005 20:08
i bought i heart huckabees. it's made me happy for about three days straight, and everyone else has finally seen it, so i don't have to keep my bliss to myself anymore.
i've been reading about suicide a lot. thinking of it often, so much of it is so interesting. more than half of suicide attempts have a premeditation period of less than five minutes. how cholesterol and suicide attempts are curiously related. how the best indicator of a death by suicide is previous attempts and how the odds increase with each attempt. how on the diagnostic test in the book, i'm 20% likely to die by my own hand. how smokers commit suicide more often than non-smokers. how rhesus monkeys while neglected in infancy will attempt more dangerous and impulsive behavior than the other monkeys, and their CSF 5-HIAA scores (serotnin functioning) are dramaticlly lower, raising the nature versus nuture argument again. how guilt and family responsibilty are one of the only things that keep otherwise affected people from commiting suicide.
so what is impulse? how can you quit? what are the methods for overcoming impulse? how do you train yourself to hope.