1 down 4 to go... plus a bunch of other stuff in between.

Apr 02, 2007 16:26

So I'm done with my first final paper. It's interesting because the topic I chose sort of came up in class... but not the particular aspect that I was focusing on. Which was okay, I suppose. Anyway. Power. Women. Victorian Period. Don't mix at the time. yes. That's my paper in a nutshell. Other than that, I have 4 other papers i should work on during the easter break. Though I'm not sure how well that would work. I hope I can get most of it down. It would suck ass if I couldn't. Of course. In any case, I think I'll be... okay... not a lot of distractions in the break anyway.

Philippe and Pascal are going to Quebec come Wednesday. So there goes that distraction. and Sheika's not here till... maybe mid to end of April, so that about covers that amount of time.

Other than that, the drama with the MSP people is done. I've paid what I owe and that should be good. They'll send me the notice for how much i owe now. so stupid though. honestly if i can't change it one way, then how can i do it any other way? it's so stupid. It suddenly becomes my fault, which is ridiculous. In any case, it's done. I can't complain anymore.

I kind of want to make sushi, but I'm not sure how to go about making it... and if i can make it decent at all. so. yes. I think that's all. I've just been busy with school... and hanging out. and running around doing blood tests. I need to talk to the people at travelcuts to reserve a seat for me from here to Heathrow Airport to Ben Gurion Airport come May 3. squee~ i'm excited~ SHAWARMA~!!


deadline fun, essays, sushi?

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