Aug 30, 2005 10:26 day is really blahhh....i was SOO about to fall asleep in jocy's class 1st period. he was really boring today...but whats new?
well im eating my cereal =) glad that last night was awesome ;) i wish that would happen to me *tear* lol
i had a FBLA meeting this morning...we SO need some more people in there...but oh well...its gonna be awesome this year b/c i said so lmao...naw its gonna be awesome b/c we are gonna make it awesome!
i hope that this class goes by fast so that this day will be over with...we have to retake the chemistry class b/c we all failed it..well almost..the highest grade was a 75!! isnt that hilarious??
well we bout to do some work...leave em for me!!
...luv ya...