May 30, 2005 16:02
hey everyone! well today has been really good so far...
** monday (today)** went to the parade at 9 and saw lotz of ppl... saw jenns mom!!! yay! lol dont ask
umm came home and was fixing up the house so we can put it up for sale in a bout 2-3 weeks! yay! i cant wait to move i need a bigger room!!!!
** Friday** got off the bus w/ jenny to see crystal and lindzee and then hung out there and kyle and john came over too! that was really boring... i wasnt talkin and that not me!!! so i was really bored
**saturday** worked on the house for like ever... and went shopping for my mom so she can have more work clothes... that was actually funn!
**sunday** slept in till like 11.... didnt do anything till like 12 cuz then we went to my grandmas and grandpas for a chicken lunch/dinner!! then came home and i dont think we did anything i dont remember... even tho it was just yesterday!! pretty bad...
and tomorrow im going on a feild trip for science!!! and dont froget im not gonna be at skool on thursday!! srry guys!
have a great day and ill cya in the morning!!
xoxox kk
**CoMmEnTs LoVeD**