Here is the happy bride & groom from last Saturday, my leedle brother :)
Nathan & Lidia
And some photos from Sarah's gig the other night.
The Amandas :P
Sarah & her mum Rosemary
I'm so sleeeeepy! Not gettin much sleep with this whole get up at 7:30 bizzo. Had a big D&M with Faf, Lisa, Matt & Ben on Sunday night til 3:30am, then had to get up to take Ty to school. Last night I went to bed at 12:30 which is a massive improvement, but still I haven't gotten to bed before midnight. Am working on it for tonight *crosses fingers*
Last night I had grandiose plans of getting on here & waxing lyrical abt my life & how much it's changed in the last week but as usual I ran out of time & now I've lost the momentum. Suffice it to say I found myself last night making a week's worth of lunches & freezing them quite contentedly. WTF??! My nan used to do that but hello, my nan had 8 children. Since turning 30, getting a bit of age & maturity behind me, getting healing & being a school mum, I find more & more that some of my personality traits are becoming more & more defined. I don't know if that's because I'm actually becoming more anal & more entrenched in my ways or whether I was unable to see myself for who I was before aforementioned events. I am a really organised person hey. For years I thought I was highly UNorganised. But appently not. Again this is something I began to know maybe 3, 4 yrs ago, but now it's really obvious to me. I like that. I like that I'm organised.
Now that Ty is in school I feel like so much has changed. It's like another seachange, as a parent, the biggest one I've had since I got some independence back when Ty was about 2. My identity is shifting again. Recently I was at the Sando in Newtown watching a gig when a girl came up to me & said 'I think I know you...' Usually it's either the tattoo or an ex-boyfriend from Newtown (ha, there's 4 ;$) but she shocked me by saying 'or I know your son...' My instant reaction was 'my son?' Straight away I thought Nah no way, then she goes 'You have a son named Tyler yeah?' And I was just like 'Ha! No way!' It was his swimming teacher from a few terms ago whom I didn't recognise without wet hair & a cossie on ;) It was the weirdest feeling to be identified through my son! I'm usually Amanda the singer, or Amanda with the tattoo, or Amanda-she's a Galea, it was the first time someone had come up to me & known me as Amanda-Tyler's mum. It was a strange but satisfying feeling. So the last week that seems to have become my permanent identity, & I don't mind admitting it feels a bit strange, exciting but strange, like 'holy shit I remember thinking this would happen one day & now it's just crept up on me & here we are.'
And I'm now OFFICIALLY a soccer mum... I registered Tyler at Chipping Norton Soccer Club on Saturday, *sings "This used to be my playground..."* where I grew up & all my brothers played soccer for. And yesterday was our first team meeting & I put my hand up to be Manager of his Under 6 team. It felt so strange to lug all the uniforms & oval gear into my car, I remember helping my mum do it when I was a kid... I had to pause outside my car & have a cigarette whilst contemplating the fact that 'Wow, this is it, this is my life now. I'm that mum that I used to always want to be.' I also felt a pang of sadness when I hauled Ty into the car to go home for dinner, that my dream had always included a husband to go home to. My sadness was more for Tyler than myself. I hope I am doing a good enough job for the two of us *smiles hopefully* I think the reality is hitting me hard now because for the last 5 years I've done pretty much what I wanted. Because I didn't work outside of home & didn't have a hubby to come home to, I've had no real routine, just done whatever me & Ty feel like doing for the last 5 years. I guess it feels like, wow, now I'm a REAL mum. Everything is revolving around Ty & his little life now, not just emotionally (as it's always been) but now physically as well. You should see my diary - it's chockers! Monday-soccer training, Wednesday-swimming, Thursday-Kindy Mass, Friday-Parent/Teacher interview, Saturday-soccer game... it's hectic. My mum used to take Ty for me every 2nd Friday afternoon so I could go to Mark my therapist & she would keep him overnight so I could debrief & come back to earth. Now I don't know what will happen, he'll have soccer games early Sat morning & she lives an hour away. It was nice while that freedom lasted, I guess I'll be fine...if I'm spaced out or emotional after Mark, Tyler will only need to see me for an hour or 2 before going off to bed so hopefully it won't affect him too much.
But I'm enjoying it all. It suits my methodical nature to be organised like this & I love being so central & so involved in Tyler's life. It will be different & sometimes difficult to not have as much 'Me' time but I'm pretty good like that... I don't mind taking time out for myself & I ask for help when I need it. I like that Tyler is so important to me that I don't mind giving up my 'life' & it's freedoms. It's nice to be one of the mums who stands around in the school quad, talking to other mums while we wait for our bundles of joy to return to us from their classrooms. It's nice to think that when Tyler's Soccer Team photo comes back I'll be in it, standing on one side of the boys with the Coach standing on the other. What is always not-so-nice is actually happening to me right now as I sit here typing this... Tyler is standing next to me crying & whinging rather ungratefully because I won't let him have another snack before tea-time. He's crying like I've killed his pet. Ridiculous. Anyway I must be off now to begin dinner... he's crying all the more now coz I told him I'm cooking hamburgers "But I don't liiiiiike hamburgers..."
Ah, the joys of being a mum.