Dec 03, 2004 22:36
yeah so for all of the people who care how i feel.. imma tell you now cuz every1 asks wuts wrong and i hate repeatin myself but here it goes... ive been stressed and depressed all week long. today in work i BROKE DOWN in tears they let me go home im upset about everything. my grandmothers in the hospital and mikes dad is goin downhill more n more everyday this past week ive been around cryin people and hospitals and everything juss hit me @ once today. i couldnt take it ne more. i left work, got somethin 2 eat w/mike to calm me down then we went to see my grandma in the rehab. shes there for 2 weeks...she gets out the week b4 christmas. shes doin a little better but shes still a little coo-coo lol. anyways the sad part. from there we went to mikes house we got there around 4ish and left @ like 9:00 2nite but wen we got there his dad was horrible. he can barely walk, talk, eat anything. i got a few laughs out of him and just kept tellin him how much i loved him. i love that guy to death. hes such a strong guy hes been thru so much shit the past 6 months w/his cancer. sooo mike went to the store to get some shit i chilled w/his mom, his dads sister and his moms friend. we had sooo much fun together. me n his dads sister were talkin about daycares cuz she owns one and we were sayin how much indian familys suck! she juss kicked an indian outta her place cuz of the care they wanted for their little boy. its fuckin ridiculous i dunno who they think they r comin over here like theyre kid is king of the world. ummm sorry NO! i would put white and black b4 indians juss cuz they are so rude... ick i cant stand em!!! so anyways i read the speech his sisters gonna say @ the funeral and i helped put the cards together and laminate them ...the cards every1 gets w/a picture of the person and a poem on the back. it was sad. we all shedded tears together but we had some good laughs. dont worry his dad didnt know wut wuz goin on... he was in bed :-/ i kissed him b4 i left and told him how much i loved him. im so happy to be apart of his life and the other day he was introducin me to one of his friends and he said "this is my fav daughter in law sheena" i almost melted... that was the cutest thing ever. im soooo close to mikes family its unbelivable. theyre so down to earth and they all love me and i love them. its nice to feel like this.. it realli is. anyways 2morrow is mikes family party.... theres 200 family members goin. its a xmas party. santas gonna b there n shit and they have madddd food. they do it every year. this year is obv gonna b focused on mikes dad cuz hes dyin but i cant wait. its gonna b soooo fun! me n mike went to the mall 2nite i made his dad a bear @ build-a-bear and i bought it sneakers n a redsox outfit and red sox hat..his dad lovesssssssssssssss the red sox... he'll love it!!! and i bought a livestrong bracelet (the cancer one) and it came w/one for the bear so i put it on the bears arm.. and mikes dad obv wears 1 too so i cant wait to give it 2 him 2morrow and mike needed a grab for me for the party so he bought me a build a bear for santa to give 2 me 2morrow lol and he bought a brides outfit to go w/it awwwwww<333 :] im so happy but im so sad on the other side. i love his family andi love him and imma b there for him thru everything. ~*THRU SICKNESS AND HEALTH TIL DEATH DO US PART*~ ... even wen we get married in 2 yrs his dads still gonna b my fav father in law. ill update if ne thing else but so far thats wuts goin on...
thanks to every1 whos here for me i REALLY appreciate it!!! thank you to cheri especially. and every1 @ work who let me leave early today i needed it!
michaeL<33 i love you with all of my heart i wouldnt wana spend my life with ne1 else. im here for you no matter what i love you baby
grandma and big lou...hang in there!! christmas is rite around the corner... i love you guys with all of my heart<333 *kisses* and *hugs*