Nov 15, 2004 18:00
So i have now entered the elite world of people with super cool phones....due to the fact that i was always totally going over my boo went and got me a new phone so that when we talk to eachother then it is is sooo way cool that i have a Nextel... i can talk to him now just at the push of a button.... it is hella cool cuz when i was little i wanted walkie-talkies but they would not buy me now that i am somewhat grown....I can have them and use them whenever i want.....way cool for me..
I just want to give mad props to my best girl in the whole wide world...Anna...who will soon be graduating from Cal State Hayward with her BA in Liberal studies.....
OH.... and one more thing, If anyone see's Harrison Smith...Tell him to call me...He and I have some unfinished business...and many things that need to be discussed and many unanswered questions