Dec 09, 2010 02:08

ok so although my cousin and i enjoy making perfumes together, i would like to introduce her properly to the wonderous world of bpal for christmas. right now i wanna stick with gc's for now because she is a newbie and because they are easier to come by. here are a couple perfumes i know she loves cause i had her try a couple the other day when she was over:

antikythera mechanism (imps/partial/bottle) she loves this one!
morocco (imps/partial)

one she said she REALLY wants to try (and i think she will love):
defututa (imps/partial/bottle)

types of scents/notes she LOVES: creamy (not too foody), spices (peppers, clove, nutmeg etc.) nutty, jasmine, lilac, woods, musks (especially white), ambers, and vanillas

she HATES: geranium

iffy notes if they are too powerful are: lavender, grapefruit, and patchouli

here are some that she might like that i would like to get imps of (starred ones are super promising): bastet*, skuld, mata hari*, kubla khan*, ave maria gratia plena*, peitho* bathsheba, bien loin d'ici, fascinum*, salome*, whoso list to hunt, black pearl*, lampades*, scherezade*, zephyr, fenris wolf, kitsune tsuki*, kuang shi, aglaea, coyote, ehecatl, grandmother of ghosts, himerus*, nuit, cordelia, lysander, oberon, frumious bandersnatch, the dodo, moonshine and mist*, old demons of the first class*, vasilissa*, dorian*, fallen, oblivion, 51, bengal* baghdad*, hollywood babylon, lyonesse*, whitechapel, ouija, villain, viola, melancholia, brisingamen, golden priapus, o, verdandi, hermia, tamora, mouses sad and long tale*, queen alice, the lion*, florence, venice, versailles, and the red queen

ok i am exhausted with scouring the bpal site so if i have missed some she should try and u have em jlmk ;)

i am pretty much broke so i can't buy any of these but i do have a buttload of perfumes to swap! i would like to get atleast 6 decants or 1 bottle per swap. i will swap $2 worth per starred gc and $1.50 for unstarred. for the more expensive gc's i will swap $3.50 worth each. and for a bottle i will swap $15 worth each. i hope there are some kindly bpalers who can help me out ;) thanks and happy holidays! <3 angie
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