
Feb 04, 2010 03:00

I know it's a very sensitive issue for some, but I feel very strongly about it.  I believe that declawing is so wrong on so many levels.  The only way I would ever do it is if it was harmful for the cat if he/she didn't get declawed.  I believe that you shouldn't have procedures done on your animal unless it's beneficial for them.  Some people have compared declawing to neutering/spaying, which is not really comparable.  For one thing, spaying reduces the risk of cancer.  Also, neutering/spaying reduces the number of cats/dogs--which is good because they are way over-populated and there are not enough people to take care of them.

I'm sorry if this is annoying, I just have to get this all out.  I think that declawing your kitty because they scratch your furniture is riduculous--your cat should be more important to you than your couch.  That's like cutting your kid's hand off for painting on the walls.  I know it's a human, but  most people will say that their pet is like a child.

Besides, there should be no reason to put your cat through a procedure unless IT BENIFITS THE ANIMAL.  Declawing in no way benefits your cat.

My cat has her claws, and although she sometimes scratches on the speakers (my bf hates when she does that), I would never declaw her.  She has more of a problem eating our food ;).  But I"m not going to take her teeth out. EDIT: He doesn't really care when she scratches him though....

She is a scratching-fiend actually.  I got her a scratching post which she NEVER used, but then I got one of those horizontal ones and she used it right away.

MY POINT is....please, please, don't declaw your cat.

And if you're someone who wants to declaw a cat because you have a baby or you have hemophilia or something---either you shouldn't have a cat, or you should get one from the humane society that's already declawed.

That's all from me.
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