Fic: Takin' the Midnight Train PART II (Andy/Oscar)

Nov 24, 2009 22:31

Title: Takin' the Midnight Train PART II
Pairing: Andy/Oscar
Rating: R
Summary: The journey continues.
Author's Notes: Don't expect much. I'm not very good at make-out/sex scenes, but I wanted to try. Also it may be OOC. I don't know. I was too impatient to have it beta'd.


Oscar quickly fell asleep against the window, his hand still in Andy's. Andy smiled, and with his free hand covered Oscar once again with a blanket. He glanced to his left and grinned at an elderly couple, who glared back at him.

Jeez, Andy thought. What crawled up their butts?

Andy wrapped his hand around Oscar's arm and rested his head against him. He sighed contentedly and within minutes was fast asleep.

When they woke up they were just half an hour from Cincinnati.

“I bought one-way tickets to Cincinnati, and then two more from there straight to Chicago. This way we can stay in a hotel tonight.” Andy whispered. Oscar's heart fluttered a little at Andy's words.

“I don't mean to be a downer, but maybe we should talk about what we're going to do when we get there.”

“I don't know how that could bring me down, Osc. I was planning on laying you gently on the bed--”

“No, Andy, I mean when we get to Chicago.” Oscar tried to keep the sudden leap of his stomach from sounding in his voice. “I haven't even quit my job yet, I just left. And my apartment has all my stuff in it. Do you have a plan?”

Andy paused. “Well...I mean, not exactly.”

Oscar started to worry. Andy sensed this and continued. “But I do have a lot of money saved up, and my uncle left me quite a large sum. I figured we could live on that for a while until we get new jobs.”

“How much do you have?”

“Well, the tickets were $600, the suit was $200--”

“The suit?”

“Yeah, I wanted to look good for you.”

Oscar did not like where this was going, but was pleasantly surprised at Andy's eventual answer.

“ after the hotel and delicious dinners, we'll have about $8400 dollars. You think that's enough?”

Oscar sighed in relief. “Yeah, I think we'll be okay.”

Andy had booked a suite at the Holiday Inn Express, complete with a mini bar and continental breakfast. Oscar was glad he didn't spend more for a fancier hotel. At 7 in the evening they were unlocking the door and throwing their bags in the corner.

Andy plopped on the bed and stretched out, watching Oscar take his jacket off and slowly sit down next to him. He was still a little nervous about the situation. What if he was just another Angela? How did he know this was for real?

As if reading his mind, Andy sat up and took Oscar's hand.



“I know I'm kind of shitty at relationships, what with picking Angela and all, but...I know this is right. I mean, you've always been really good to me, and it was really obvious to me when you took me home a few weeks ago. 'Cause you were doing it just for me. And I want to do that for you, too. I want to make you happy.” Andy started to tear up, and as Oscar moved a little closer Andy went on. “And when we kissed, I didn't know I could even feel like that, you know? It was like...skydiving while on fire.”

What did Oscar have to lose? They were in this together.

Andy began stroking Oscar's palm, tracing up his wrist and back down. Oscar sighed-not the kind of sigh Andy was used to hearing, but a soft yet deep sigh, the kind that made Andy start to feel on fire again. He smiled a little.

“I want to make you do that, too.” he added.

Andy's lips were on Oscar's. It was hard to believe it was only their second kiss. His touch was still soft but a new passion was there. He was much more confident than he was during their first kiss, which was evident in the way Andy's tongue responded to Oscar's.

Oscar's few years of dynamic sexual tension with Andy (and then his lack of sex life afterward) had been brought back to the surface, and he was aware of every move Andy made. Oscar found the noise he craved as he slipped his hand under Andy's dress shirt. As his hands traveled farther up Andy's chest, Andy leaned in more, his *ahem* arousal pushed up against Oscar's leg, and he slowly climbed on top of Oscar.


“What is it?” Andy breathed. Oscar stopped, underneath Andy and painfully hard.

“Have you ever, uh...”

“Been with a guy?” Andy asked. He was able to read Oscar much better than he remembered.


Andy unconsciously pushed into Oscar more, making him blush. “No. But I've done a little research...”

“Andy!” Andy squeezed Oscar through his pants.

“Yeah” Andy wiggled his eyebrows.

Between their heavy breathing and Andy's vocal enthusiasm (one of the reasons sex with Andy was so much better than with Gil), neither of them heard the knocking at first. After a couple minutes though, Oscar lay his hand on Andy's chest to pause him. They both looked toward the door, then back at each other.

“Who the hell is that?” Oscar muttered. Andy's hand had just brushed below the waistband of Oscar's underwear. “Shit.”

Oscar got up from underneath Andy and walked to the door, throwing a T-shirt on. He looked through the peephole: no one there. As he turned, he stepped on a piece of paper.

He furrowed his brows as he read.

“What is it, Osc?” Andy crawled to the edge of the bed.

“Nothing.” Oscar crumpled the note up and threw it away.

“Then come to Papa,” Andy pulled him on to the bed.

“Please don't say that,” but Oscar smiled.

Andy laughed and started again where he left off. Oscar was always so quiet, Andy thought, it felt good to make him lose control...


pairing: andy/oscar, my fic

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