Fic: New Year's (Andy/Oscar)

Nov 14, 2009 09:52

Title: New Year's
Pairing: Andy/Oscar, Kelly/Ryan, Erin/Creed (barely--don't worry)
Word Count: 1381
Rating: PG-15 for drug use and happy sexy times.
Summary: Ryan holds a New Year's party.
Author's Notes/Disclaimer: Yeah I know, I couldn't think of a better title. I own no Office characters.

The New Year's Eve party was hosted at Ryan's this year. Nobody really knew why he wanted to throw a giant office party, but he seemed to enjoy being the host. He invited everyone from the office and the warehouse, and supplied them with four giant kegs and twelve pizzas; 4 cheese, 4 pepperoni, 4 mushroom.

Oscar arrived around 8, two hours late. Even so, hardly anyone was there. Erin was chatting with Creed in the corner and Angela was sitting on an armchair looking especially severe, holding a glass of soda in her hand. Oscar wondered why she even came to these things. He looked around but didn't see Ryan. Probably making out with Kelly somewhere.

“Hey, Oscar!” Erin yelled when she spotted him.

“..Hey, Erin.”

“There's pizza over there, if you want some. It's really, really good!” she said way too enthusiastically.

“All right, thanks Erin.” Oscar went over to get a slice if not just to get away from her.

Oscar was just taking a bite when Ryan popped in the kitchen.

“Hey, Oscar. I see you've chosen the mushroom pizza.”

“Yeah, tastes a little stale, though. Where did you get this?”

Ryan shrugged and looked around nonchalantly. “They're probably from the bottom of the bucket.”

Oscar raised his eyebrows.

“The toppings, I mean.” he clarified.

Oscar nodded slowly and kept eating. It tasted terrible but he hadn't eaten anything all day. He hoped he wouldn't regret having four pieces.

After half an hour people started showing up. Jim and Pam, arm in arm, Michael with ridiculous reindeer antlers on his head, and Andy, looking quite charming in a plaid sweater vest (of course) and jeans. Dwight came in with a woman of about 25 (causing Angela to scoff and excuse herself to the restroom) and Stanley brought his “nurse.”

Oscar started to loosen up after drinking a few beers and watching Andy and Michael do a karaoke version of Air Supply's “I'm All Out of Love.” Ryan and Kelly were slow-dancing and Erin was sitting on the couch, wide-eyed at whatever tale Creed was telling her. Oscar excused himself to the bathroom when the song was over, and when he came back everyone was listening to Andy tell stories. He squeezed on the couch next to the arm and to the left of Jim and listened. Andy was pretty funny actually...

Oscar couldn't remember laughing that hard in his life. He laughed so hard he was crying and got light-headed. It was turning out to be a good night. At 11:00 Oscar was talking to Pam in the kitchen when, for the second time that night, Ryan popped out of nowhere. Pam waved to Jim on the other side of the room and left them alone.

“ do you like the party?”

“I'm actually having a really good time.”

Ryan smiled. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I think it's the beer but I'm feeling really...good. I don't know. Like...I realized I've been taking things for granted lately. Anyway, thanks.”

“No problem. It's good to hear.” Ryan patted him on the back and strolled over to flirt with Erin.

It was weird. Oscar felt really calm, like he was meant to be at this party. It felt right. He caught Andy's eye as he was getting more beer and felt his stomach jump a little. Huh. Then he started walking over to Oscar. He felt his face flush and looked down to concentrate on filling his cup.

“Hey Oscar! I was wondering, if you would be willing to drive me home tonight? I am feeling pret-ty wasted, and no one else will do it some reason. I think they just don't want to have to bring me back in the morning to get my know?”

“Uh...” Oscar started to think of an excuse, but took pity (or something like it) on Andy. “Sure. Sure.” he smiled.

“Really? Awesome. Thanks, bro.” Andy stood there for a moment and then leaned in. “Actually, can I talk to you for a minute?” he pointed upwards. “Upstairs?”

“Okay...” Oscar followed him upstairs to an empty living room, definitely not memorizing the image of Andy's body walking ahead of him. He sat next to him on the couch.

“I just felt like getting out of the hustle and bustle, you know? It was getting really hot in there.”

Oscar nodded. They sat there for a minute in comfortable silence. Oscar started looking at his hands. He never realized how different they looked in different rooms. A single table lamp lit the room, casting long shadows on everything. The creases in his palm seemed deeper than usual. He heard Andy giggle.

“What are you doing, Oscar?”

“What? Oh, I don't know. Just looking at my hands.” He realized how ridiculous it sounded, but for some reason he didn't feel self-conscious about it. Andy wasn't one to judge about doing strange things.

“Huh. Yeah, my hands look pretty weird compared to yours. See?” He held them up. On an impulse, Oscar gently took one of Andy's hands in his own and studied them. They were much more delicate than his, but the callouses on Andy's fingertips spoke of years of musical practice. Oscar ran his fingers over the hardened skin. He felt the curves of his palm and saw mountains and deserts in the creases. He was mesmerized.

During all of this Andy stayed still, watching him. He swallowed dryly and his hand twitched a little when Oscar ran his fingers along the base of his palm. Oscar looked up suddenly.

“Sorry.” he let go of his hand.

“No. That was pretty cool. You seem fascinated by my hand.” Andy grinned.

Oscar looked up at him very solemnly. They stared at each other for what seemed like minutes. He was startled to feel Andy take his hand in his, and more surprised when Andy ran his hand over Oscar's face, slowly, experimentally. Then he kissed Oscar on the cheek, his lips soft and his breath hot. Oscar let out a shaky breath. All he could hear was the pounding of his pulse in his eardrums.

They sat there for a while, literally necking and exploring the feel of skin on skin. The sensation and the slowness of their actions was almost too much for Oscar to bear, and he found himself having a hard time catching his breath. The first time they kissed his eyes were closed, and he saw stars rushing towards him in the blackness.

Sometime after Oscar was able to come to terms with the fact that, yes, he was making out with Andy Bernard, he gained the courage to move on top of him. It was a whole new territory. He sat legs on either side of Andy's, not moving his lower body while they kissed. Oscar shivered as he felt Andy's hands run through his hair, and he suddenly had a flashback of a time he saw Andy run his hands through his own hair.

They started rocking their hips together to the muffled music of Tom Petty seeping up from the basement. Oscar felt like his entire body was having an orgasm even though he knew he wasn't close to coming yet. Everything just felt so new...

They broke off the kissing for a minute and Andy reached up to stroke Oscar's cheek.

“Do you wanna go somewhere more private?” Andy whispered.


Ryan and Kelly had been at the bottom of the stairs for about half a minute. Ryan tried to keep her from leaving the basement but she just had to tell Andy it was almost midnight! As soon as she saw Oscar and Andy together Ryan had to clasp a hand over her mouth to keep them from hearing her squeal with delight.

“Omigod, Ryan!!! Look at them!” and she shook her hands violently because she didn't know what else to do with them. “Did you do this? Omigod, you are so romantic! You set them up!!!”

Ryan tumbled back a little from Kelly clasping her arms around his neck and led her back down to the basement.

character: ryan howard, character: andy bernard, character: oscar martinez, pairing: andy/oscar, fanfiction, my fic, fandom: the office

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