Update on chaos

Nov 26, 2008 10:14

My dad is worrying that Mom might be stressing her broken fioot by trying to walk on it too soon after surgery. Gark! She'd better not mess it up again, esp. not by washing dishes that the men in the family are too lazy to do for her (and I can't do because I have a job and life of my own . . .)
I'm just glad John doesn't think he'll be emasculated by cooking or cleaning. Just the other day, he made 2 batches of brownies with scratch frosting for Sam's kindergarden. He's pretty cool.
In other news, I went to Nekocon and met a young DW fan IRL I'd been talking to on-line. Found out she goes to private school and has parents into Science Fiction and Public Television. OMG, it's Mini-Me!
Patty and Rachel came out a couple weekends ago to watch gothy movies. That was cool.
In the meantime, I'm still helping mom a couple days a week (work permitting), working up a new pattern for sale, and hoping to get some comissions wrapped up soon. Oh, and working out getting my Christmas shopping done. Fory-San, you'd better contact me, or I'll start telling people you secretly model for hentai! (LOL!)
And of course we're all getting psyched for MarsCon.
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