The LJ quiz.(another one i guess)

Jan 08, 2006 11:41

After you have answered the first questions, repost and tag friends.
Don't forget to add a question at the end (that you must answer yourself)

1. What does your Livejournal/ title page name mean?

Angelapocalipse(thats how I WRITE IT) originally AngelFox(Graalonline)"high cunning mercenary", changed to current name in order to be utilizede for pay back on my so called "friends" at that time, it has long since had many meanings, hence no definate meaning at this moment
the title page u can ask char she changed it

2. Elaborate on your primary photo.

a protos from star craft

3. Who introduced Livejournal to you?

one omy friends

4. What's your current relationship status?


5. What are you wearing right now?


6. What is your current problem?

mainly money, but there are other things...

7. What are you doing right now?

listening to music!!!!!

8. What do you love the most?

friendship with my friends

9. What makes you most happy?

peace to relax in, being with my friends, anything i can have fun

10. Are you happy with your appearance?

i could...get some muscle power up..

11. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?

create league of justice friends(instead it would be called the tree) id be able to fortify my friendship with others, & i wouldnt loose all the friends ive lost, and id be able to protect my amigos just like the tree implys ^.^

12. If you MUST be any animal for ONE day, what will you be?


13. Name an obvious physical quality you have:

omega beard

14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now:

somewhere i belong: linken park

15. What's your favorite food?

yellow rice...but then thats whats on my mind now..i dont think i have a particualr fav food....however i do have food i dislike

16. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?

i guess u can say opposite attracts, & the other way repels....(when i have time i will update this...)

17. What do you order from starbucks?

ive never really ordered anything, but if i did it would be capuccino

18. What is your biggest mistake this year?

DAMN IT!!! i 4got to give my friends my graduating pictures

19. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

well..cant really answer that i dont really pay attention to tv unless im really interested so i dont know

20. When do you know it's love?

i believe ive lost that ability

21. Do you speak any other languages?

french, creol, i need to finish with spanish, & im planning on learning japanese

22. What is your favorite smell?

...ive thought this over & i have to say chocolate

23. Have you ever been to a tanning salon?

no..dont really need it...thought on second thought some parts of my body do need it lamo..........

24. What magazines do you read?


25. What are some things that really annoy you?
*people who can't keep a secret
*ppl who dont listen when im talking
*microsoft(ill never 4give for dead or alive)

26. What are some things that you really like?
*chocolate(man o man i love chocolate)
*my friends(they mean a lot)

27. Do you like Michael Jackson?


28. Do you give random hugs and kisses?

not really, but ill try more from now on

28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?

a long ass time

29. Do you 'booty dance'

if the mood is right

30. Current Song:

..4got the name(6 on reanimation cd)

31. Where are you going and what will you be like in October of this year.

by that time ill long be 20, and i havent thought that far ahead what ill be doing..

32. if u had the power to create anything in the world what would it be?

...THE WORLDS FIRST GUNDAM!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!! ^.^

ive taged U the reader hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
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