School Life

Mar 17, 2008 12:40

Its been 2 weeks since i last updated!
Time really flies when you're not looking at your watch! =P

Anyway.. i thought it was max, 1 week since i last posted an entry... was quite surprized to see it my last post dated 2 weeks back! oh well... reality starts to kick in already..

It felt like i've just started my final semester not too long ago... with CNY, Valentines Day and other occassions that happened in between... its hard to believe that i'll soon cease study mode after 6+4+3+3 = 16 years of education.

Having school holidays during mid and end year periods (not including the poly hols which happens at odd months) are becoming a norm.. i wonder if i'll be able to get use to the fact that i'll have no more holidays from now onwards..

Exam timetable is out... and i'll be sitting for my last 3 papers in my life (hopefully).
My lecturer told us to breathe and remember the moment as we write our last word or full stop... she said that her experience felt weird. it seemed like everything stood still and she felt a lil lost and empty inside..

I guess i would feel the same but probably would probably add on stuff like... 
screw exams and assignments! im officially over and done with it!!!

Will be having my first paper on the 26th of April (Buying Behaviour), second on 6th of May (Managing Change) and last on the 8th of May (Entreprenuership in Society).. i think i will be so over with exams after 6th of May becoz EIS is full of crappp... even till now, i dont have a set of notes with me.. probably only the first set of notes. -_-

Other then school, i've planned a few trips which will be happening during the first half of 2008.. 
Will be heading to Batam on the 5th of April for a short getaway to celebrate Thomas's birthday.. will be there for 2 Nights... staying at Harris Beach Resort... cant wait for the Spa treatment.... weeeeee!

And the travel agent has confirmed my tickets and hotel bookings to Thailand on the 16th of May! weeeeeee!
really wanna head to HK this time round but stupid Olympics! argh =[

I've yet to start looking for jobs.. i guess ill take my own sweet time and live off Thomas.. HAHA

Been to Malaysia recently because Thomas has to head back for the elections, i tagged along to see his new born niece..

I made her do it! she kept moving her fingers after i placed it in this position.. after my 3rd attempt, she gave in and posed for me. LOL her expression looks a lil unwillingly thou! hahaha

Thomas with Sue-Anne... actually she was suppose to be named Stella Lee.. so we called her Stella since she was still in her mum's tummy... and only until i went over, i told them to consider Sue-Anne instead. HAHA.. not that 'Stella' is not nice.. just that my good friend's name is Stella, i cant really associate Stella with Stella. i know its a lil ironic becoz I've another friend whose name is Su-Anne?!

ok nevermind. lol

no pictures of Sue-Anne with myself.. i thought that all the photos taken, i looked rather fugly.. 
will take more photos when i head over to Msia after my Thailand trip.

Meanwhile, i hope that everyone's doing fine...
Wanna org. a meeting with my poly peeps sometime soon... its been ages..!


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