Jul 02, 2009 20:57
Well atleast since I wrote a real entry in this thing. A lot has happened in the past couple of months, and especially in the past week.
Last Friday was my last day at the old job, and everything went well. Well asides or my manager still completely ignoring me but that's to be expected. I got the apartment cleaned an thanks to a lot o help from a friend everything was moved smoothly to my new home in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Monday and Tuesday were filled with the busyness of applying for visa and getting basic appliances for my apartment. I now have all the appliances I need except microwave and rice cooker. Out of those the rice cooker is really the most important. It was suggested to me by my stepmom that I could cook rice on the stove, however that requires a pot (which I don't have) and a lot more time and effort than just popping rice in the rice cooker. I did buy a tv (much larger than my last tv) but my cable jack is one of the old types so i need to go to an electronics store when i have the chance and ask them whwat tyep of adaptor I can get. My PS2 and WII are still in my small suitcase at my work cuz it keeps raining so I can't walk them home from the station.
Started my new job yesterday. This job is really quick an I got kinda scolded but not really, mostly just told I needed to smile and be friendly to the mothers when i was standing there awkward during greetings. It was kinda annoying to be told but I do understand that it doesn't look good if the teacher is nervous, but for pete's sake it was my first day of course I was nervous. However even though it seems very strict and a lot of work I am genuinely enjoying everything so far. Yes I am nervous as hell for when it becomes just me and I have to deal with little children and mothers and babies by mysel... but I'll get there.
This month is gonna be super tight on money but I'll somehow survive. Already have money for rent an other bills put into separate bank account so I'm good with that. Though I think i won't get bills for utilities til next month, not sure.
Anyways I'm wiped and am off to an early bed soon.