Nov 17, 2008 18:10
something happened to my license for Myriad MM, so now when I export anything as a PDF or otherwise the typeface gets all fucked. I have to go through like, 200 power point slides made first in InDesign and repace everything with stupid Myriad Pro. Sadness.
What is the power point? Solar Power Advocacy.
The good news is the PP had it's first round of lectures last week (test tour) and was a super big hit in the green community. apparently folks lurve me graphics (nice, nice, nice). I am nervous that our generalized graphs and glossed over info could bite us in the ass later… however, broad generalizations really seem to help hold audiences… so, there ya go.
biggest challenges of this job? I don't even know how comma's work… so if there is no time for to copy editor to review fliers/ads/programs/book editions/etc. it's always really fucked up. Folks don't like it too much when their graphic designer needs grammatical help from 16 year old interns :(