music meme

Jul 18, 2007 21:44

as tagged by lesyeuxverts00:

List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

This one's kind of difficult ... In the car, I've been listening to a couple of CD's, but at home it's been the iPod or iTunes, so it's been more playlists that I've been stuck on that individual songs.

Here's a sampling:

Scoundrel's Last Call by the Kitchen Party - they're a local band that sounds a lot like Great Big Sea, and my daughter thinks this song is hilarious - it's a favourite request when we're driving together.

Cemetery by the Headstones - "Went down to the cemetery, lookin' for love" It's just fun.

Marco Polo by Loreena McKennitt - I love the rhythm of this song. It makes me think of an exotic journey.

Mamma Mia by ABBA - I saw the musical twice, and it's probably one of my favourite ABBA songs.

Sunday Morning After by Amanda Marshall - another of my daughter's favourite songs. Picture a three year old who looks like Dora the Explorer ... now picture her singing "Oh, my God! I woke up with a snake tattoo..." *snort* Bad Mommy!

White Trash by Fred J. Eaglesmith - "When, exactly, did we become white trash? How come we got seven dogs livin' in the g'rage?"

Back in the Saddle by Matraca Berg - a good one for driving with the windows down & the stereo turned up.

My friend Jake introduced me to both of the last two, actually, and is responsible for the mixed CD that has the last 4 songs on it. My DH made the mixed CD that has the first three songs on it.

Who to tag...? Not sure who's at Sectus, and who's not already tagged somewhere else, so here goes:

I'm tagging nessime_lisen, irisgirl12000, djin7, the_con_cept, sulla_, ashenv and alisanne.


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