100quills teenyfic: The Calm Between Storms

Mar 12, 2008 11:00

Apparently, all this snow has been good for something ... here's another teenyfic for my 100quills table:

Title: The Calm Between Storms
Author: angela_snape
Pairing: Bill/Neville
Word Count: 302
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 004. Winter
Warning(s): Highlight to read * *
A/N: The same universe as “Aloha, Neville”.
Disclaimer Belongs to JKR, not me. Just for fun.

The snow was deep, and unmarked. It had been snowing for days, it seemed, with big, fat snowflakes, and after the damp cold of Hogwarts' dungeons, the crisp chill of the outdoors was refreshing.

Bill and Neville had been able to spend most of the storm tucked away in Bill's quarters, but if the storm hadn't ended when it did, they would have had to brave the storm: the yew tree's red, berry like cones needed to be as fresh as possible for use in Bill's anti-lycanthropy potion, and the full moon was only days away. Their boots crunched in the snow as they blazed a trail from the castle to the Forbidden Forest. It appeared that even Hagrid was still inside, staying warm - though that might have something to do with a certain visitor who'd arrived by flying carriage just as the storm began.

Inside the Forest, out of reach of the sun's warming rays, the air was much cooler, and the snow not quite as deep - but still deep enough to make it slow going. As they made their way towards the clearing where they knew they would find the plants they sought, they did not speak, instead maintaining the comfortable silence of long time lovers and friends.

They must not have been as quiet as they had thought, for as they entered the clearing, they disturbed a family of snow grouse, still sporting their white winter feathers. Bill and Neville stood watching as they flew away before making their way to the yew trees. They were careful to collect only the reddest cones, and only as many as they needed for this batch of Bill's potion. This ensured that the trees would be there each month when they went to collect them, for as long as they needed them.

100quills, teenyfic

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