Book #2 and other pop culture ramblings

Jan 02, 2010 16:44

 And the YA jaunt continues.  We all knew that high school has more than one similarity to hell.  But, what happens when your best friend sells her soul to the devil in order to become more popular?  Read Devilish by Maureen Johnson and find out.

In other news, I saw three movies this past week which might be some sort of record for me.  The Princess and the Frog was delightful and I recommend it.  Sherlock Holmes was visually appealing, but mediocre even with good performances by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, and Avatar in 3D was much better than I expected it to be.  Anything else that's out in theaters now that you'd recommend?  In the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit that I plan on seeing Leap Year when it opens.  I have a completely illogical love for Matthew Goode.
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