May 17, 2009 21:35
"Hello, Angie? It's Dad."
"Hi. Um. Seen the new movie yet?"
"Um...Yeah! it was really good."
"Yeah? Oh, cool. Um. Because I was thinking of seeing it. know your mother. Not a really big sci-fi fan."
", she isn't really."
"...would you mind seeing it again? With me?"
"I haven't seen you in months, Angie. I've been going to AA and doing everything I'm supposed to. I miss you. I'm sober, I promise, just...let's just do this, just this, be together like we're supposed to be together. Before...before I ruined everything."
"Dad...Okay. Okay. We'll go."
"....oh good, thank you. Thank you, Angie, I'm not going to let you down..."
"I...I know you won't. I know."
"Okay...okay. I'll pick you up tonight? Or...or you could meet me at the theater."
"I'll meet you there. know, Denny's has great burgers."
"Yeah...they always did. Seven thirty show?"
"Sure. I'll see you then."
"Good. Good. See you. Good bye."
"Bye Dad."
angela emerson