Feb 21, 2011 10:52

I read this blog post earlier this morning and I pretty much agreed with everything that was mentioned. I recall my first accusation of acting white by fellow classmates was when I was in the 4th grade Maryvale Elementary School. We had gotten new student in the class and her name was Carrie. She was bi-racial in that her dad was Filipino and her mother was white. Anyways despite that everyone in the class was seated in alphabetical order her last name was Smith, mine beginning with an L she was seated next to me. The next thing I know she was sharing her Lisa Frank stationery with me and we were constantly gushing over our love for Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

Afterwards some of my fellow classmates (African-American) proceeded to ask me oh why are you talking to her? What you wanna be white too? You already light enough.

At that time I did not know how to respond to that statement.

This would not be the end of it. From 5th grade to 8th grade as much musical, literary, and life experiences of a pre-pubescent teen expanded so did the accusations of acting white. So I asked my grandmother about this and her response. Chile I went through it when I was your age. Black folks have done it in the past and will continue to do so.

I would hope people would stop applying behavioral characteristics to racial connotations because I've seen good and hot messes across racial boundaries.Besides no one can determine or define what you are but yourself.

Later, Love and God Bless


are these people serious

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