Snow Day

Jan 19, 2024 08:13

Didn't go to work today. It's snowing lightly currently but it's supposed to pick up quite a bit. Won't get paid for it but I can't afford to replace my car if something happens to it. I'd rather not get paid for a day than have to buy new one.

I've been wanting to get back to journaling regularly. Just hasn't happened. Trying to take better care of myself.  By drinking less, eating whole foods, spending less, forming better habits etc.  It's a process to be sure but slowly getting there.

Food wise I've been doing the Starch Solution.  Though it's been hard to stick to it all the time. I don't always plan ahead enough. Have at least 20 more pounds to lose then I plan on starting exercise.  Focusing on one thing at a time is the key to not getting overwhelmed.

If anyone is interested in learning about it I follow a few people over on YouTube that have great information. Plantiful Kiki, High Carb Hannah, Chelsea Mae, Chew on Vegan, Full and Fulfilled by Liz.

Other than that mostly just at home. Everything is so expensive currently it's hard to get out and do anything. The band practices most Saturdays. I play Sims 4 and hang out with the cats.

Though the band (Summit Lawn Band) may have their first show ever in a few months. They were supposed to have one in 2020 but I'm sure you can guess why that got canceled.

Started doing more with my own YouTube channel. All unedited stuff or shorts. Want to try to do proper content and maybe see if it goes anywhere.

Well that's all for now.

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