A little update...

Jul 03, 2004 12:46

Well, I haven't really had time to update this. I've had a lot of work at University, plus final exams, which are oral to make it worse. I hate oral exams. My dad keeps saying "it's better. Quicker and safer. At least you know in the spot if you're saying something wrong".

Personally, I'm a written exam girl. More time to think about the answers. Because if the oral exams were punctual questions, okay, I agree it's better. But when they make you connect texts you read 6 months ago, you need time to at least remember. And with the professsor's eyes on you all the time, it's not easy. I almost failed my last exam because I got confused between too authors and I guess if it hadn't been for my good grades in the subject, it would have been a mess. Thanks God I passed.

Only one more week to go! The bad thing is that is the only subject I'm not sure I will pass. And it has an oral exam too *grumbles*

Well, no point in complaining about it. I guess I will be so happy that I finally have some vacation that I won't mind how it goes!

On other notes:

- I still haven't seen SM2 nor PoA (It hasn't arrived yet!!)

- I really had a hard time voting in the Portkey Awards... There are so many good fics, it's impossible to choose only one in each cathegory! I must congratulate the nominees, among them anazecria , nousia,  calikalie , darkxfaery , heavenswood , amynoelle , eveningstar189, sbys , idealfacade, oliphauntine (where are you, by the way!?), and all the rest...

And of course, more congrats to joycecohen and phoenixds  for their diligent and great work.

Good luck to all of you!

I guess that is all for now... Hopefully, my next entry will be during winter break!
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