Title: The wrong moment
angel_wickedPairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Scat and in the second end kind-of non-con
Disclaimer: The dirty boys don't belong to me
Summary: Draco wanna have sex but it's the wrong moment...
A/N: OMG I did it *facepalm* I had to try it, ar least once, like everything else
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But I think it's not as dirty as the other ones at hp_squick in which Draco loves to smear it on his body and so on... it was just an... accident *giggles*
Ok, the second end was... *coughs* uhm... very nasty, I admit ;)
I'm glad that you're able to laugh about it :)
I'll read them, I promise. ;)) But now I have to update my site with your necro and my bestiality slash, lol.
Yeah it was kinda funny. XDD
You're very fast in translating *impressed*
You know, I must be fast, because I work at a news aggregator... and usually I must translate HP news in a hurry. :)
Oh I see so that's a good training.
Oh, yes. It is.
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