Staking out a slayer?...

May 14, 2006 12:50

After reading the anonymous memo addressed to Lee, and making a copy of it, before leaving his office, secretly, I went home and decided how I was going to proceed with all of this. I knew that the company policy was to keep Angel alive and to make him dark, and somehow, I thought that an evil vampire slayer, which was just...beautiful, in every possible way, might be the best way to do it. The problem with it all, was that I didn't know what I wanted her to do for me...for Wolfram and Hart.

Did I want to use her and her ovbious powers, to make Angel dark, or did I want her to kill him? If I were going to go with the latter, then I knew that I would have to use discretionary funds and bury them...or at least bury them in a way where they wouldn't be come back to me, and I had to do it with caution, because pulling covert things off around here was far more difficult then getting some scumball acquitted.

That wasn't the only problem. This Faith Lehane might be a handful. Sure, I was evil, and she was obviously evil, but that didn't mean that she would be cooperative with me. I didn't know how far off of the evil tree that she had fallen. There definitely was a chance that if I met with her, after going through what was sure to be a great amount of trouble in finding her, she might look at me as somebody that she wanted to hurt, or kill.

Before I made any decisions involving this Faith Lehane, I needed to know more about her, so not long after leaving the office and returning home, I chided myself for ever leaving the firm in the first place. It was a wasted trip...well, aside from the fact that I was able to pour back a tall one at home. I finished my beer, grabbed my jacket and went back out to my truck. Driving to the office, I wondered if I should maybe include Lilah on this little plan. If we were found out, it would mean death if I were working alone, especilly if I asked her to kill Angel and she agreed, but I didn't know for sure.

Lilah was famous for covering her ass. The chick had more files on the brass around here then files and records did. She might not share my views in all of this. Sure, we had met with this Penn vampire, who hated Angel and wanted him dead, but we didn't offer him Wolfram and Hart money, and somehow, I didn't believe that this slayer would be so cheap.

I arrived at Files and Records and was routed to a small file on one Faith Lehane. She was chosen because of the death of another slayer, before her, named Kendra, killed in Sunnydale, where Faith was wanted on a murder charge. There was another slayer there named Buffy Summers, and she wasn't evil, but according to the files, there was only supposed to be one. I read further, delving into the history there, tipping back a scotch, that I had taken from my office before I came in, and found that this Buffy had briefly died. That called the slayer, Kendra, who had died, and then Faith was called when Kendra died. If everything that I read was being understood, then this meant that Faith was the actual active slayer, even though Buffy was still alive and had the longest tenure. The active slayer was evil. It was delicious. There wasn't much about her personality, but she was aggressive and impulsive, from what i had seen, and I now believed that I was ready to meet with her.

I returned the files, left Files and Records, went back to my office and returned the bottle of scotch to the bar and left for home, everything I needed to know already memorized. This was going to be interesting.
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