Just like
the last episode of "Scene from the living room of The Ostrich House" this episode is a result of sitting in on Scott playing video games:
*sitting watching Scott (Jebus) play
Dragon Quest 8*
Written on Tv Screen: "Jebus is healed of all wounds"
Me: Congratulations on your recent un-wounding.
Scott: It's a regular occurrence.
Me: Well, menstruation is a regular occurrence, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be celebrated... uh, every time.
0_o I'm kinda clever and super feminist menstrual activist sometimes.
"Hooray Vaginas!" plug:
blood_lunar and any of the menstrual themed LJ communities that have
eluted for
a member.
And in the Game, one of the monsters Scott (Jebus and his posse) have to fight is this
Elysium Bird that basically looks like an
American Bald Eagle but with Pink Feathers instead of Brown. And it would do this campy little claw clapping thing every so often. So I started saying that this bird represented everything that the Ultra-Conservative, Right-Wing, Anti-Gay, Bigot Americans thought the United States would turn into if Gays were granted the right to marriage. XD
Then I started going on about how this monster was a "flying Faggot". When I noticed one of the Posse had fire power, I said it would be even better if the Eagle was set on fire, thus becoming a "flying, flaming, Faggot!". So Scott - being awesome - got the female character to cast a GIANT FIREBALL at that Gay Bald Eagle. The scene was made even more hilarious by the fact that the most protective outfit said female character had, consisted of (essentially) a bikini with her hair in these cutesy little "Pipi Longstockings"-type ponytails! XD
Scott says he he wants to try and get the female character into the "Sages Robe" because he thinks it's stupid that she has to have a "sex appeal" power rating, and doesn't want her to have to wear a bikini into the dark world. HEY
eluted!! I live with male feminists WOOT WOOT!