
Feb 27, 2010 22:29

angel puppeteer,

Title: "Schön"
Summary: "I'll be a monster. I'll be anything you want me to be. I'll be your
knight in bloody armor. “For you. Only for you.” /Dark fic. Graphic.
Strong mature content./"
Rating: "Rated: M"
Storyid: 3215386

Main reason for removal: "Not the property of uploading writer Please note we do not allow users to post lyrics to songs they did not write. Exception being works in the US public domain."

The above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on the upload page.

This infraction has been recorded and as a result, you will not have story
submission ability for a few days.

ETA: okay. i'll make this a public entry. i'm going to be bombarded with erm, hate PMs and since i do not reply to PMs regularly, if you have something to say, you can say it here and i will reply.

so, no, i did not delete SCHON. FF.NET deleted it. there, see? the email. it says SCHON has lyrics on it which is incorrect. i don't know, but a friend says that it is just an excuse. SCHON is m-rated and maybe it got deleted due to its content. (but, eto, it does not contain heavy porn, does it? haha i dunno~ maybe? ^_^)

i am very, very sorry. i'll see what i can do. i will try to contact FFNET but i am not going to make promises like posting it again in FFNET or posting it somewhere else.

♥ so yes, very very sorry again.

ETA2: oh dear, i forgot to THANK EVERYONE! how rude of me~! thank you thank you thank you to those people who have read, supported, criticized, hated, loved, flamed, liked and favorite-d SCHON. i will always be grateful for the time you invested in reading and giving me reviews/compliments/criticisms/flames. thank you so so so so much. ♥♥

ETA3: okay. first i found out SCHON got deleted. now, i discovered it was PLAGIARIZED. -_-" oh SCHON. you're a beautiful pain in a butt.

thank you vanillaskyline  for providing the link! you rule!
also to serei_chan  for trying to contact the site! you rule, too! 
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