
May 29, 2020 18:17

^ Shitty drawing done in 2 minutes just to say "salut"
...don't try to understand this one LOL
I'm Joe, my old lj was

kasumi_ichigoMy real blog
My ameba to stalk japanese people and peta them

Well why this blog?
At the start it was a shitty and useless drawing blog, now I don't draw anymore for it anymore so I'm using it to stalk my friendlist and post useless things when I feel like it
Why "angel_pietoro"?
I wanted a new lj-name,
kasumi_ichigo really don't fit me anymore LOL Angel is for Angel Taka, and Pietoro is for the singer of Da'vid/shito:aL

So well... I'm a native french speaker so my english suck, sorry. But I wanted to do a blog in english for some reason. Maybe it'll help me to speak better? AHAH

Some interesting drawing/video blog -mostly french-
Monsieur le blog
BD de cul

Some interesting drunk duck -english- :
Zombie are people too
Corrupt Hardware
MMM Boogrrs

The other blog I like are on my real blog
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