Theres Just To Much Drama These Days

May 28, 2005 14:57

WOW! so many people this year have gone off and got a LJ and all that happens in some LJ is just stupid teenage drama. Its pretty gay and also some LJ's have become Slambooks like Calvins LJ, thats all it is a simple stupid slambook. I hate how parents are always like "o0o highschool is the best time of your life" haha yeah right! I think that freshmen year sucks because all it is filled with is DRAMA because A LOT of people are soo immature and dont act their but their shoe size. yeah i know i have my drama to but i dont dragg in everyone! thats just stupid its like saying that your craving attention! yeah im sry im just going on and bitching about peoples livejournals right now but im not in a good mood and this is one way to take some of my anger out.

OMG my dad needs help like A.S.A.P.! Liker for real, he got all pissy this morning cause me came home and called someone and I didnt hang the phone up last to charge so when he was on the phone it died and he got all pissy and BROKE the phone.. he threw it across the room and broke the base into a bunch of different pieces. And now hes saying that its MY fault and now I have to pay for HIS phone and HIS problem. he needs angermanagement like soon because he flipps out over everything and he flipps out on me but THANKGOD he doesnt take his angry out on me. Id be out of this house so fast if he lays a hand on me to do harm and i know I wouldnt even be in this state nemore so alot of ppl should be thankful that he doesnt use to me take his anger out on.

On a lighter note i guess now um idk, I dont have any light subjects but im leaving in 30 days and I AM comming back home because I have my people to come back here to and everyone I talk to about my summer say that I cant move there and that is not a choice for me because i will be missed and I guess im very loved, More then i thought i was. HAHA im so stupid look at my LJ all everyones LJ is drama but yet this isnt Drama between a bunch of people and yeah lol im soo stupid :-p but w.e.

G2B L` some comments fer me lol cause I like em alot. haha

Kriista Niicole
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