its ending

Aug 25, 2005 19:16

My summer in maine that I didn`t get to even have is now comeing to a end. *bluh* this isn`t even cool school starts in 7 days and yeah I don`t want to go back. I want a longer summer then this. I mean I was gone all summer away from my friends and when I came back I only had a few weeks to spend with eveyone. So yeah totally suckage. Plus when school starts so does all the Drama of everything and I don`t want to go through all of that yet again. *Sigh* I hate school, I don`t look forward to it one little bit, I really don`t. I`m glad that I don`t go to like Lewiston or like EL because if I did I know for a fact that I would just flipp out because of everyones DRAMA! Ugh this sucks.

Hmmm I just found out today that Krissy died another one of my dogs in Missouri. First, 2 days before I lefts Missouri to come back to Maine Chelsea died. She was a Dobermin that I had for a LONG time and now today Krissy died. ='[ So unfair. That`s the one thing I hate the most about having a dog is the fact the someday they will die of something. wow I just hate the facts of life. hmm.

I need to go school shopping too like this weekend, and I also think NO more drome for me anymore because I don`t want to put up with Buddy Edwards Bullshit anymore, I have taking it for way to long. Wow he makes me so madd, Like at the Balloon festival the other weekend when he decided it would be totally funny to pants me like twice in front of everyone. Wow I fucken hate him and he thinks its o0o so funny. Jackass. Wow my summer sucked the HUGE ones. I have had one to many regrets this summer too, which im just totally not going to get into.

- Krista Nicole
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