Jul 10, 2010 02:26
I've started to get myself in order. Not my life as that is so cliched and I enjoy my life as is. What I'm putting a tighter grip is my body and certain areas of my brain. I'm still learning things about how my mindset effects my body and how to modify it. I've started an ambien regiment and loose bedtime of 3 a.m. and an earlier wake up than usual. Doing this for a week has shown me that if I'm up earlier I tend to be in a better mood and more capable of dealing with the horrendous stress of work.
The other half of this Concerta. My depression is linked to my ADHD so when one flares so does the other. I didn't want a drug that would work against both since those have a tendency to alter my personality into a beast of furious rage. I don't know if it's working yet since it takes a few weeks to kick in but I do know that will take a higher dosage than I'm on to pull it off. I have noticed that it's keeping me from snacking as much as I had been and it's supposed to help with weight and I certainly need a hand with that. I just need to shed a little bit to make costuming easier. I've got no problem with how I look but it's a pain in the ass to find things that fit well.
I kinda like this and I'm showing a little more devotion to it than any other plan I've had to regulate myself.