Apr 11, 2005 10:41
I've decided to scrap the Mexico entry. It's pointless except for the bit about me almost drowning after wiping out on my jet ski.
Stevi's spring break was last week so I got to spend more time with her than usual, so now I miss her more than usual. (Don't give the crap about it averaging out!) I went up to see her at Roberts' house on sunday and stayed with her sunday night, then again on tuesday. she stayed with me thursday night and saturday night. The more i think about it the more I'm willing to enter into cohabitational relationship with her I think we'd live together well. I'm not jumping the gun on this or saying it's definite, it's just an option I've been considering.
Last night I found out a few things I didn't know, a few that I didn't like, and a few more that I need to work on. It was an eventful night.
I finally got to watch The Notebook with Stevi, I'd skimmed the book a year or so back and she wanted me to watch it with her. I was a bit reluctant for reasons all my own but after some faux protest and several delays we finished it last night and I actutally enjoyed it despite my distaste for Nicholas Sparks and his work(any comments questioning my sexual orientation will be met with a swift pasting!). I also managed to drag her out to see Sin City with me(Go see it's in my top ten favorite films evar!) she seemed to like it. Obviously she was nowhere as enthused about it as I was. I've been a fiend for Frank Miller's writing ever since Chelsea, my former neighbor, got me The Dark Knight Returns collected edition for my birthday when I was 12. I loved his noir style from the very begining. In reflection it's probably not a good idea to expose someone to that kind of gritty, dark, and violent literature at such a tender age; but I was already pretty out there at 12 so I don't believe it was too detremental to my mental well being.
Stevi managed to convince me to listen to Howie Day which I didn't mind too much. One song actually reminds me of her. I was an asshole and made fun of it at Waffle House the other night. So me admitting that it was ok stuff drew a little heat from her about how I'm different when Pants is around. Which is true because he and I make fun of damn near everything. Things we hate, things we love, things that look like cheese. I forget that not everyone understands that we bond through busting each others chops. I also forget that as good spirited as our inrentions are that peoples feeling get hurt or could get hurt because they take us too seriously. Hell we don't even take ourselves seriously. Our biggest target is probably Emo because up until Indie it was the most prevolent subculture and it got annoying in it's constant failure to be unique. Because of this we rip on it and the fans there of rather often. Why you may ask, because it was everywhere and it amused us. I used to liten to emo about four years ago, go backa few years in this very journal and you'll see that I have emo street cred! Even now I listen to it sometimes and I'll probably listen to more of it as the year continues. I won't dress in emo fashion, nor will I mope in that same fashion but I'll listen it and I'll probably enjoy it(Except Coheed, that shit suck big time) and if you have a problem with my music than I suggest you follow the advice of Nick 13 and "Get fucked."
Whoa a semi pro-emo rant! Yeah read it bitches. WOOOHOOOOOOOO.
I have to wrap up this enormous entry now as I'm frankly sick of typing it out.