I herp you get Hopies.

Feb 13, 2005 20:48

Oh Em Gee Double-you Tee Eff

I went to all districts to see my Stevi-kins sing. it was fun. pants and I enganed in the mad sickest road trip evah. we got all ass lost and such it was fun. Stevi do is be some hotness. I was all like wooty woo damn fawhoklegads.

I got to meet Stevi's dad, he seemed groovy. I also met Stevi's buddy Amanda, she was nifty as hell.

Throughout the trip I took measures to keep from geting anything on my white shirt and I did a fine job protecting it from makeup and taco filth but at perkins pants managed to ruin my shirt with one line: " HEY BABY HAVE YOU EVER HAD YOUR ASSHOLE LICKED BY A FAT MAN IN AN OVERCOAT." Needless to say him shouting that coased coffee to spray all over my shirt. Bastard. Damn you Jay and Silent Bob.
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