(no subject)

Jul 08, 2009 14:44

Hello! I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Anyways, here is the continued story of Tammy. Enjoy!

Title: Tammy (3/3)
FanFiction: Doctor Who
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: What started as a normal day for the Doctor, ended with him finding a strange American girl in his TARDIS. The girl ran away and the Doctor looked for her, but he was unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the teenage girl changed her physical form and hid from the Doctor. She didn't want to blow her cover. While she was hiding, the girl found a solar energy plant that was reported for strange lights. She interviewed the manager. Because of what he said, the girl had a feeling that the manager wasn't human...
That night, the Doctor and the girl saw strange lights coming from the plant. The Doctor went to it, and she followed. At the energy plant, they have bumped into each other again, and the Doctor wants answers...
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from DW. But, I do have a character of my own. Her name is Tammy (which isn't my real name). She is an American girl who did something for the Doctor.

~    ~    ~
"Who are you?" the Doctor asked me.

"I'm Tammy Thompson," I replied.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm doing an investigation to see if aliens are trying to destroy Earth."

"You're not a human, are you?"

"Of course I'm a human! It's not like I'm a journalist from another planet!" I exclaimed.

"Then you must be from the future," the Doctor said.


"Then, how do you know me? Someone from the future or from another planet could know about me. But someone from this time couldn't!"

I stood there quietly. I couldn't explain to him...not yet. If I told him that I saved-

"Look. You're just a kid."

"Hey! I've done lots of things! I've traveled. I saved your life! I-"

Damn, now I've really screwed up. The Doctor will want to know what happened. Heck, he's gonna want to know who I really am. I can't risk telling him.

"You saved me?" the Doctor asked. "How?"

"You, uh, were about to destroy Gallifrey. And, I, uh, tried to create a force field around the planet. But, realizing that wouldn't work, instead I shose to save someone...so, I saved you," I answered.

He just stared at me. It made me feel alone. But I didn't care, because I wanted to travel with him.

"I'm not leaving," I said empahetically.

The Doctor sighed. He knew he couldn't make me leave.

He sighed again, and said, "Fine."

We turned and saw two men. I knew they were Slitheen. They were laughing about something as I slowly walked towards them.

"No. Don't," the Doctor whispered. I ignored him. Before I could do anything Mard said:

"Looks like someone wants to stop us."

"Yeah," said the other man. He lifted up his arm and grabbed me.

"A mere girl such as yourself cannot stop someone as superior as us."

"Let's make her scream!"

They both giggled at the idea. I knew what they were about to do. Mard put his hand to his forehead, found a zipper and pulled it open. He slipped his real head out. The human skin slipped from his atrocious body. The second Slitheen did the same.

I controlled my emotions. I let out neither a scream nor a gasp. I've seen these types of aliens before. Sure, they were the only creatures I was afraid of, but I wasn't going to show it.

"You seem to know a lot of things," Mard said.

"So do you," the Doctor said, walking towards them. "Like energy transferring."

At first I was confused. But, I realized the Slitheen's plan. They wanted to move the sun's energy to a new location. But where?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Dram Fel Fotch, and this is Callis Fel Fotch."

"What are you doing here?" the Doctor asked, as if he knew them. Then I remembered what happened at planet Justicia. The Slitheens there saved the Doctor from the Blathereen.

"We are Slitheen. We can't help but have a little fun."

"But, what do you want with Earth? Wait, don't tell me. You want to sell it?" I asked.

"Wow. This girl is a smart one," said Dram. "Yes. We want to sell the Earth. By  transferring the energy of the sun to the Earth's core, the pressure inside will cause the Earth to explode. In the end, we will sell the pieces."

"Do you really think you'll get away with this?" the Doctor asked.

They said "Yes" in unison.

"Sorry, but I am going to have to stop you."

"You and who? That little girl?" Dram asked, pointing at me.

"Nope. Just me and my sonic screwdriver," the Doctor answered. He ran to the machine that was starting the countdown. He brought out his sonic screwdriver and pressed the button. Nothing happened.

"Oh, brilliant! This thing hasn't had a low battery in years."

The Slitheen laughed.

"Guess you can't stop us," Mard said.

"Maybe with a little help," I said. I wias still under the Slitheen's control, but with my other hand I brought out my sonic pen and threw it to the Doctor. He caught it and pressed the button. With a flurry of sound, it activated.

Sparks shot through the room as the machine was breaking down. The building started to collapse.

"What's happening?" Callis asked.

"You're going out of business," I said. I slid out of the Slitheen's grasp and ran out of the building.

A few seconds later, the building exploded.

~     ~              ~
After the explosion, the Doctor and I looked through the debris. We couldn't find the Slitheen. They must have escaped.

I followed the Doctor as he returned to the TARDIS. I was surprised that he didn't stop me.

He opened the TARDIS door. Before I could speak, he said, "You can come inside. It's my thanks for helping out."

I smiled and walked inside
~           ~      ~
I talked to the Doctor, but it was clear that he wasn't listening. I didn't care. I talked about the places I've been, and the places I want to see.

"I wouldn't mind if I traveled with you one day," I tossed out.

I stopped. I looked to see if he would respond. The Doctor shook his head.

"You know why you can't come with me," he said.

"I know, I know. I'm too young. It's against the rules on Gallifrey."

The Doctor nodded. I sighed.

"I'd better leave," I said as I walked toward the door.

Before I was outside I turned to look and see if he might change his mind. Maybe just this once. Maybe just for me...

He stood there, face set, mind made up.

A moment later, I heard the TARDIS. I held back the tears.

As I started to walk away, I heard the TARDIS again. I turned to see the Doctor in the doorway.

"I don't get you," he said.

How typical. The reason the Doctor came back was because he couldn't understand me.


"You saved my life. Who are you?"

"I just did. I'm not going to explain it."

"All right."

We stared at each other for what seemed a long time.

Then, he said, "All right. Just one trip."

I grinned and ran toward the door.
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