Sep 04, 2011 17:36
This convention was a bit of a disaster. Lots of things went wrong, or plans changed last minute. I don't think I'll be going again in the near future, not unless there are drastic changes.
First off, Natalie had some family issues going on at home, so she had to leave that evening, instead of staying the night in the hotel room with friends. Since I was depending on her to drive me home, the only option was for me to leave with her, or find someone else to drive me back the next day. Nobody with a car lived close enough to drop me off without it being a major detour, so I left with her. It was disappointing, because I had cosplay plans with Robbie the next day.
The con was over crowded- the hotel they chose was too small for all the people attending. It was very hard to walk from point A to point B without dodging others or walking very close to others. There were open courtyards, but this leads to another complaint- the heat. The high was 99 degrees fahrenheit, and the sun didn't set until eight or so. I don't function well in the heat, not to mention I'm more acclimated to the bay's more moderate temperatures. Even though my costume was a light one without layers, I was still sweating a lot (I hate breaking a sweat, even when exercising).
One of the worse aspects of the con was the actual attendees. All of them were distinctly young teens, which was a little difficult for me and my friends, who are all in our 20's (one of my friends is even close to 30). And those teens weren't very good with respecting con etiquette, like glomping. The almost 30-friend was violently glomped at this convention before (she's tiny, anyone bigger than her is going to do a lot of damage if she gets tackled to the ground), and she did not want to be again this time. Unfortunately, she was glomped twice- the second time she had a drink in hand. Luckily the girl stopped before actually colliding with her, and I took the drink off of her, but still, my friend is really sick of people not respecting personal boundaries.
Still, the good aspects of this con was that I got to see Robbie, even if it was only for a little bit. And a few photographers really liked my cosplay, and got some pictures. I do wish things had gone better, but sometimes these thing just don't work out.
sac anime