I'm gonna assume people have seen Rebecca Black's video "Friday" by now, but I'll embed it anyway.
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It's really amazing how much attention this song has gotten, but I totally get it. It's so amazingly horrible, that you have to see it to believe it.
These lyrics have got to be the most shallow verses ever written (even more than Ke$ha songs about drinking, clubbing, doing drugs, and having sex), simply because they're about asinine subjects like being excited about a day of the week and deciding to skip school with your friends so you can party.
And to add a dubious note about the lyrics, she's only 13 years old, which means those friends who are driving a car must be at least 16 or older. Not to mention there's a grown man rapping about hanging out and partying with her too... Suspicious yet?
Her voice has such a monotonous and nasal quality to it which is another horrible feature of the song. I find it hard to believe that she's really excited about partying at all when she sings the song in basically the same note the whole time.
I think one of the worst features of the song is the cheap productions and special effects. Granted, that's probably the best that could be done with $2,000 (of her parent's money), but still, who really uses a flip book effect anymore? Or a cheap green screen of a city passing behind a car?
I hate how much attention this song has garnered, and I never want to hear it again.... but if I give the song any credit, they know how to make it stick in your head with the ever repetitive line "It's Friday" in Black's best nasally autotuned voice.