Apr 10, 2005 14:30
Hola.... yay for an extremly buisy March and now an even more buisy (and expensive) April..... ughhhhh. Just got back from Dayton, Ohio for Winterguard WGI world championships... yay for not making finals (If Innuendo made finals I would've killed either myself so i wouldn't have to march or someone else).... My grandfather died about a month ago... My grandma just died yesterday night. ::tear::.. I'm talkign to my dad again (but, of course, only to make him pay for winterguard). I'm really not in the mood for living right now and I just can't wait to get the hell out of this town. ::yay for more tears::...
.... yay for boyfriend who I'm never able to see anymore.. i just hate it...
besides that though, i had fun with Chrissy, Alyssa, Chris, Donut and Tepher (The Oliver kid..... whatever his real name is) in Disney. Yay for Florida... ::bye bye tears::.....
I realy have to learn how to upload pics onto this site from my camera....
::yay for making out w/ kevin..:: ttyl all