Aug 26, 2004 10:27
"I don't think I can wait 10 more minutes till lunch." Serina whispered to Jen who sat right in front of her. It was a musty classroom and Serina could feel the back of her pale legs stick to the desk chair.
"If you can't wait that long till lunch, then I have no idea how you're going to last the next 3 days of school we have left." Jen whispered back. Her usually curly brown hair was a mess of waves shoved back into a crude impression of a bun.
This was history, the last period before lunch and the two friends were planning to cut for the rest of the day.
"Ugh…" Serina sighed and dropped her head and shoulder length blond hair onto the desk. "I'm never gunna last."
The bell then rang and Serina and Jen were the first students to bolt out Mr. Koshen's 12th grade History class.
"Ahhh, freedom!" Jen yelled, prying the school uniform jacket off, exposing the schools white short-sleeve blouse and the blue emblem on the left breast pocket. Serina did the same as they walked with their bags off the Somerset All Girls High school grounds. This school, once an old but beautiful building, was renovated last year to a new "modern" and plain looking 3-story school. They added new uniforms, black shoes, white socks with a blue stripe, a light blue skirt, a ugly button down white & blue jacket, a white short-sleeve blouse, & a blue head band with the schools emblem; the head of a blue hawk with two gold rings around it. It was an all girls school with the harshest of rules and punishments for disciplinary behavior. Serina and Jen couldn't wait to leave for summer vacation.
"Where to first?" Jen asked, pulling a cigarette from her purse and lit up. Heavy smoker, drinker and partier since middle school.
"Don't know. How about the arcade?" Serina's pet peeves just happened to be every thing her best friend did, except partying.
Date: 7/27/04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Sure, why not?" Jen puffed a mint smell into Serina's face and she tried not to cough. It was one thing to cough and annoy someone on the street who smokes, but it's another to do that to your best friend. Serina thought she was an outcast in her family and had a hard time making friends and trusting them. Not too many people her age wanted to befriend someone who runs away for a week or more at a time.
As Serina got on the back of Jen's motorcycle she began to think about her family problems.
Over the wind Serina yelled, "Hey… I might be staying at Aaron’s place tonight." Jen turned her head and smirked.
"What do you have to do, sleep with him? He doesn't give his place over to random girls with out something in return."
"He says I can stay a week for $50, minus my own food and essentials." Serina didn't add in that she had to share the same bed as him. He promised no "fooling around" and Serina thought he was joking, but she didn't want to tell Jen that anyways.
Date: 8/4/04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Well, that doesn't sound like him at all. Just watch yourself and aim for his valuables." Jen laughed, then coughed up a cloud. She got suck in some guys apartment once and almost killed the guy when she permanently damaged his balls and started slugging him anywhere she could. Funny how she almost got arrested for beating him up when he was the one who was trying to rape her.
When we got to the mall a dozen cop cars and twice as many police were surrounding the front entrance and moving into the Sears and Bloomindales on either side. Lights were flashing and a crowd was started to form behind the yellow tape.
"Hey, we’re going to witness a shoot out. Sweet! Jen said and drove her bike o the side of the mall. Parking here, the two girls ran, hunched over to the side door of Sears and jumped inside the police-infested store. Weaving silently between the clothing racks, they ran for the exit into the main portion off the mall. That’s where they saw a huge blown out section of the beautiful fountain that used to reside in the center. The tiles were ripped up, scattered all around and the beams and floorboards underneath were torn to shreds, sticking strait up. It looked as if some giant did a cannon ball hit the floor and it looked like the big splash that follows. The whole mess was still smoking.
"Jesus Christ, looks like a fucking bomb blew up in here!" Jen's cigarette fell out over her gawking mouth as she walked forward. People were crowding all around, paramedics were getting injured people out of there and cops were all around in full gear, aiming at the giant mess. Uniformed people were rushing about, yelling at the top of there lungs.
"I can't believe this! The steel beams have been melted upwards!"
"This happened five, ten minutes ago and I still can't touch anything, it's so hot!"
"Hey! Look at this! There's a hole below that has to be 50 or so feet deep!"
"It had to be a bomber, but the explosion is nothing like I've ever seen! What could have done this?"
Injured people were being interviewed and the police were trying to keep the media out of this.
"I swear, I felt this rumble and ran from the fountain and then BOOM! The floor goes up like someone punched it and a huge beam of light goes with it. I can't remember anything else after that."
Date: 8/12/04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
people caught in the blast were horrendous, but not too many people were hurt. Still, the rushing of cops and officials all around made Serina very scared and nervous.
"Hey Jen, lets get out of here. One of those guys might mistake us for a bomber the way were hiding here."
"You can go, but I'm staying. I so want to see if they catch this freak or not." Jen exclaimed. Serina was always inferior to her and acted a lot like a scared younger sister. So right now she just wanted the brat to go away if she didn't want to participate.
Serina snuck out the way they came in and started walking off into the woods behind the mall. She didn't want to say it to Jen, but she was more afraid of getting caught cutting school, because she didn't want to stay in that school for an extra year.
Summer was almost here and the warm whether felt good apart from the long harsh winter that seamed to never end. The breeze fluttered Serina's chin length blond hair and she pulled her jacket back on. The trail was small but easy to find with the lack of low branches, forest floor brush and thorn bushes. It was clear and full off dried pine needles. This forest stretched out to a large bay, and then to the ocean.
"I guess I should go to Aaron's place soon." Serina thought. The forest was growing increasingly darker and her feet hurt from walking for so long. She was by the edge of Downtown Somerset. That part of the city reminded her of Paterson, just a lot cleaner. There's a good nightlife but the drugs and rapes were nothing to be proud of.
As she walked out of the woods, hopping over a small fence and pulling the hood of her jacket over her face, she headed down Catherine Street towards a small section of apartments.
Date: 8/13/04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The sun was setting, coloring Aaron's tiny gray apartment a bold red. It was nestled in between two larger blue apartments, which was up the street from an abandoned warehouse. Serina climbed up the steep concrete steps and looked back as the city slowly turned from red to violet.
"I can't believe I'm really doing this." She thought as the sounds of sirens came from farther downtown. Knocking on the door she just wished that he was going to act like the sweet friend she knew so many years ago.
"Hey, Cat." A soft voice said behind her. Serina turned and looked down at a tall blond headed tan man.
"You still wont drop that, will you?" Serina moved so Aaron could get through the door.
"That's what you said your name was, so that’s what I'm going to call you." He smiled and led her inside. When she was 13, she ran away and ended up in downtown for the first time, and in the middle of the night. Aaron was around and took her home. When he asked Serina her name she looked at the street sign and said "Catherine. My name's Catherine." Then when she ran away more often Aaron would find her and always bring her home.
"So, Cat, how have you been?" He asked her. His home was upstairs and tiny. It had a blue front door with a "One Way" sign on it.
"I'm ok, I guess." They walked into the living room, with deep blue carpeting and white walls. It had a large bay window at one end, a tan leather couch on the right wall and a small TV on a coffee table on the left. By the window was an open space to the kitchen and strait ahead there was a small hallway with two doors on either side. The place glowed the red and violet of the setting sun.
"You have the money?" Aaron had a look of desperation. Serina gave him the money and he took it, walking to the kitchen. "Sorry, but works been slow and there's no food left." he looked pretty ashamed.
"Hey, is that a pull out?" Serina pointed to the sofa.
"Yeah, but I said your going to have to sleep with me." He smirked a little. Serina just stood there. Aaron sighed. "Joe sleeps there. He's works with me and he needs a place to sleep."
He gave her a little tour of the place and Serina laid out her stuff and took a shower. As she walked out with just a towel Aaron gave her a look over and said, "Well, I guess it has been a long time since I've seen you last. You've really grown up." Serina just made a face and ran into the bedroom.
"I've really grown up… what does he mean by that?" She began to dress and noticed a full-length mirror on a closet door. She did have more curves, a bigger chest, and she has been watching her figure. She never thought he would look at her that way. "Well, at least it's a good looking guy instead of those dorks who've asked me out in the past." Serina left the bedroom to find the apartment empty. There was a little note on the TV.
Left to shop. Be back late tonight.
<3 Love,
"Love? Well, this I didn't expect." Serina said to herself.
Date: 8/25/04 (my birthday!!!! yay)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
She laid down on the couch and turned on the news.
“Another incident has occurred around 9:15, just a few minutes ago off of Bakers Street, almost demolishing an entire apartment complex. It has the same effects as the two other incidents that happened earlier today. The floor was ripped up as if, many have called it, “a giant did a cannon ball into the ground.” So far there are no fatalities but the mysterious bomber has not been found and police are continuing to ask that you call if you see anyone suspicious on the streets. The weather…”
Date: 8/26/04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Morning.” A whispered voice spoke into Serina’s ears. She opened her eyes and thought she was dreaming. A smooth, beautiful face was inches from her nose, hair dangling in front of her eyes. Aaron’s torso was half on her, his one arm supporting him and the other stroking her hair. She had this warm feeling from inside her start to swell and it felt like she wanted to kiss him. That is until she figured out where she was and what happened.
“Uh, morning” Serina mumbled, her heart pounding like a jack rabbit as she sat up quickly. She was under his covers with him and he clothes from yesterday still on. She quickly jumped out of bed and rushed of to the shower, leaving a disappointed man laying on the bed in nothing but pajama pants.
“Next!” It was a crowded Saturday morning at Starbucks and Aaron was treating.
“So much for sitting down and enjoying ourselves” Aaron got in his car and Serina followed. The city was crowded on the weekends, you would almost think it was New York city. As his deep red Honda civic rolled off towards Serina’s neighborhood, Serina could not escape the images of that morning. I must have fallen asleep on his couch and he carried me in his bedroom… But was he going to kiss me this morning? I never thought of him that way, and I never even figured that he thought of me that way. But what was I feeling when I woke up? I don’t know if I would have even minded if he kissed me…
“I don’t think your mom’s home, but I’ll be waiting with the car running so hurry up.” Serina looked up and saw her old gray three story Victorian house and she despised it. Serina opened the door and was about to leave when Aaron quickly grabbed her arm. His firm grip and warmth gave her chills.
“You know, um, you can stay longer if you like. My apartments free the whole summer.” He looked away, blushing, then back. Serina just nodded.
Ok, I need a few more sets of clothes, shoes, jackets, hm… what else? She thought to herself. Her room was large and lavender. She packed up a few more valuables, a coupe hundred dollars she saved up and her Ipod. She looked at her suitcase and saw a lot of room for more. Maybe I should stay the summer. I’m just worried about what he could do to me…
“That’s a pretty big bag you have there.” Aaron helped put it in the car.
“I just thought I’d take you up on your offer.” Serina’s voice was monotone the whole time. But Aaron’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. He jumped in the car with a new air about him.
“Well then, how about some lunch?”
“Hey, Serina!” Jen yelled form down the hallway. It was Monday. One more day of school left after this.