"the pictures in my head are great / i prefer them over you"

May 16, 2007 12:33

holy shit, i'm updating this thing...
thank you to Marc for the incentive.

well, i bought tickets to the Skinny Puppy show at the Agora today. after Ticketbastard got done raping me, a $22 ticket became $30.60. their convenience charges and processing fees are utter bullshit. i would have bought one day of show, but i'd STILL have to buy it from a Ticketbastard booth at the Agora. and i'm worried about the possibility of them being sold out...


everyone have a party. that supreme asshole Jerry Falwell is dead. presumably struck down suddenly by god's wrath.


in actual news, i've made up my mind to go back to school. yes, i can hear you all collectively shitting your pants at that thought.
BVR (Vocational Rehabilitation to those of you in TN) wants to pay for me to go back again.
i've decided that as i've already managed to get most of my core classes out of the way at MTSU, and they should transfer, i'll have little trouble in completing an Associate Degree in two years even if i take less than a full course load.

what will my major be, you ask?

Vet Tech.

either from Kent or Tri-C. (they're the only schools in the area that offer a Vet Tech degree.)

my reasoning is, i can do something i actually enjoy doing, and work someplace that will likely have benefits. most Vet Techs get paid between $15-$20 an hour. everyone at Petmed encouraged me to do this... they said i'd be great at it.
and my mother informed me that i might be able to get out of taking college algebra and calculus with my disabilities.

and most importantly, i'll be a Class-B skilled worker to Canadian immigration.

time to get the fuck out of Amerika.
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