the days are just packed.

Sep 29, 2006 12:36

October 3rd- Covenant with Imperative Reaction and Rotersand at The Agora Ballroom.
October 13th- Hanzel Und Gretyl with Bella Morte at The Phantasy.
October 27th- Sean's birthday/Halloween party

i will be so broke. again. ^_^;

i still need to find a costume...


Sean and i have been dating for almost 3 months now.

i have discovered that 3 months is sort of an asshole-benchmark. douchebaggery tends to follow soon after, though usually some time before:
standing me up on dates, sleeping with an ex, doing coke/getting drunk and shitty, lying to my face and laughing about it afterwards, taking money and never repaying it, raping me, ignoring the fact that a friend raped me because it is easier than dealing with it, spilling beer all over my artwork, destroying my artwork during fights, saying horrible things to me or about me to mutual friends, making me feel like shit for liking a band/movie, dumping me for no fucking reason, etc.

Sean has yet to say a single unkind thing to me, or do anything that would hurt me, or make me cry.
that's a first.


Sean's friend Tyler will be leaving for Japan in a few months, to teach english. he'll be there for at least a year.

Sean knows how much i've always wanted to go to Japan, so he has made it his mission to take me. he wants to stay for at least a week.

i have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. ^_^
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