Your best friend, in great detail (7/30)

Jul 06, 2011 20:54

Friends mean the world to me. I used to be a loner so I really value the few people who took the time to get to know me. It's not everyday that you meet people who really gets you. We've been through good times and bad times. I've seen them graduate, grow up and get a love life. Some of them left and some of them stayed. We had fights and misunderstandings but we also made up. I truly began to appreciate my best friends when they stayed at my side through all the bad stuff that's happened this year. I love them and they mean the world to me.

As much as possible, I try to treat them as I would like to be treated. I treat them with respect, honesty, support and love. I'm so full of love that I keep spreading it around! One of my good friends told me once that I was blessed because I was warm, approachable and enthusiastic. I've got something in me that makes people want to stay. Of course, it was the start of an amazing self-discovery. I began to step out of my shell and to think that I've got nothing to lose if I show my true colors! Nowadays, I don't have trouble making friends anywhere I go. I chat people up, I smile and then suddenly I'm in the middle of a conversation! Yes, I know, they're called acquaintances but I treat them warmly like they're also my best friends. :)

There are some people who really deserve to be called "best friend". It's not an exclusive title. It comes with a lot of meanings and it applies to a whole bunch of people. I've got lots of friends who are the best for me. If being the best means surpassing all in terms of excellence and quality then they are the best crop that humanity produced. We don't always spend time together but it doesn't matter. Our friendships are rich, diverse and full of growth because we have our separate lives. They are the sort of friends who are not always at my side but when we see each other, it's like we're never apart! We're always there for each other. There are some friends who are "best in listening", "best in fan-girling over anime", "best in relationship advice and guidance counselling", "best in drunken revelries a.k.a tequila/vodka/beer nights", "best in food-trips and eating", "best in shopping", "best in damn-who-is-bitching-about-you-let-me-at-them!" and even "best for heartbreaks, crying and endless support."

Get ready to get a good look at the people who make life worth living!


A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself. ~Frances Ward Weller

The Weiss Kreuz

From the left: Ken (Ivy), Aki/Omi (Shane,) Aya (me) and Yuri (Glerren)

From left: Aya (me), Manx (Mina) and  Aki (Shane)

These four girls are my best friends from high school. Our small group is called Weiss Kreuz (White Cross). It started when we were hanging out in Shane's house way back in freshman year. We're all addicted to Japanese anime so we had lots of common ground. It's was Shane's great idea to create a name since we're spending so much time together anyway. Since we're all angsty teenagers back then, we decided on the super-cool and super-sexy Knight Hunters to represent our personalities. I got Aya because I was dark, brooding and serious. Ivy was Ken because she was outgoing, friendly and rather scary when she's angry. Shane became Omi because she wanted to be the baby and she liked gadgets. Not to mention that she resembles Omi's devilish innocence. She changed her name to Aki Kurotaki when we were in junior year since she started to create her own little manga-verse. As time passed, our group became larger because Glerren and Ermina joined us.

I cherish my friendship with them because they've seen me grow up. We have history. They know so many things about me that they could definitely blackmail me but they're my friends so they won't do that. It's really funny because they've seen in my most awkward, most stupid and most heartbreaking moments but they've stayed. They really stayed! We might have graduated from high school and went on with our lives but our bond remains strong and unbroken. We don't spend time together but when we do, it's like we're never apart! And they're always there to remind me to smile, to have faith and to appreciate what I have.

I'm grateful because each of them brings something sweet into my life. Shane is always my best friend for romantic stories, crazy gossip and the random fashion spree. She's sweet, petite and blessed with razor sharp wit. I can count on Shane to drag me back to earth when I'm being ditzy and to correct me for what I did wrong. Ivy is my best friend for spiritual matters and she's actually responsible for bringing me back into God's good graces. I love Ivy's tenacity, stubbornness and loyalty to her faith. And she shares it with her friends! When Ivy is around, I start wishing that I can change for the better. On the other hand, Glerren is our most gorgeous, talented and spirited friend. She goes after what she wants and she doesn't take no for an answer. She's an artistic spirit who is full of potential. I miss her laughter, her ideas and her sparkling wit. I treat Glerren like a younger sister because she is younger than me. But sometimes she is definitely more mature. So she takes it up on herself to bitch-slap me and tell me things without sugarcoating it so that I can grow up. On the other hand, I have Ermina who is always full of optimism and hope. We became friends after college. And her boyfriend are friends with my ex-boyfriend. We used to gossip about him a lot and she kept an eye on him since they attended the same school.

We have an understanding that we can't expect each other to be there all the time. We'll always be close because we have a tight kite string. If we're in trouble or sad or worries, we're welcome to share them with our friends. And when we really need each other, we'll be there in heart and in prayer.


rom left: Donna, Delsa, me and Karen

We became friends through a common friend. What is strange and hilarious is that the person who introduced us all to each other got kicked out. We didn't want to be mean girls but she started it first. She raised a war against us so we had to do something. So we ignored her. Who knew that a mutual enemy could make good friends out of us?

We've been through a lot of good times and bad times. It's true that we don't spend time with each other often but it doesn't matter. We'd always feel happy and comfortable with each other. Donna, Delsa and Karen have been friends for a long time. They sort-of adopted me after the Jeanly debacle. Who knew that we had more things in common? We get along exceptionally well. Our friendship is the type that will still survive in spite of marriages, babies and old age. I should hope so.

Donna is feisty, smart and full of love. She's like a big sister to me. And she's always full of encouragement! I really miss her text messages. She's been really busy thanks to her new job. There's also Delsa who is definitely the most fashionable and stylish girl I know! She's stubborn, willful and grounded when it comes to her family. But what I respect and adore about her is her creativity and artistic sense. Since she's a fashion designer, she appointed herself as the wedding gown creator for the four of us. Thanks to her good taste, I've got a feeling that we'll be pretty brides. I miss Delsa for her sense of humor. Nobody can make me laugh like her! We're like a couple of noontime talk show hosts full of gossip and juicy news. Karen and I used to go on double dates with our guys. We also used to spend lots of afternoons at my house to hang out and to watch movies. We're always full of crazy ideas. Since Karen and I are totally in tune with each other, we almost always talk about our relationships. I miss her good sense and her crazy ideas about love. I wish that she'll be happy.


From left: Eizhel, Jhoypril, Angel and Quinnie

They call themselves the "Baklaerz". They've been friends with each other since freshman year in college so they know each other inside out. I really love them because they befriended me when I was an irregular student. They lent me notes, attended my sleepovers and endured my weirdness. I love them because they didn't treat me differently and they accepted me.

To commemorate our friendship, we had a hiking trip. It allowed us to bond with each other. Now we can literally say that we've been together through suffering and relief! :)

I'm really close to Quinnie because we have the same fiery personality. She's strong, brave and willful. Even if life seems to keep bringing her down, she still gets up. She has her friends as her family. Eizhel is an entrepreneurial spirit because she started her t shirt printing business. Not to mention her other projects. What amazes me is how well she manages us when we start teasing her. Jhoypril is happily in love with a guy who values her. She's in a high-paying job now, I think. I love her straight speech and her motherly attitude towards all of her friends. Angel is sweet, kind and unassuming. She's really full of sweet thoughts and funny stories. We work in the same company so we tend to see each other by accident. And it makes me miss them more.

Someday, I know, we'll still be together. Baklaerz are forever.


Ency and me

Ency and I worked at the same call center a few years ago. We were coworkers. Strange enough, we kept in touch even though our other friends have dropped off the face of the earth. I guess true friends really stay with you in spite of moving, new jobs and new interests. We share a similar love for books, movies and sushi. I miss Ency for her nuggets of wisdom. I cherish our friendship a lot. And I'm still grateful to her for taking me out to a pizza restaurant while I told her all about Jerome. I miss you, Ency!


Julie And Pavielle

They were sitting on the cubicles next to me at work. Who would have thought that we'll get along so well? Once, I saw them out at lunch and I thought, "I wish I can be friends with them." God granted my wish! He must have wanted the best for us because we make a good combination. We're always together when we're at work. And our different personalities complement each other.

Julie is the baby at 19 while Pavs is the eldest at 25. I'm the girl somewhere in between. Pavs is steady, practical and stubborn. She is very mature but she has her bouts of childishness too. We often watch her eat far too much and many things than a regular human can consume. She's always there for a bit of advice and she doesn't hesitate to speak up when she thinks that we're going to do something wrong. What I admire about Pavs is her straightforwardness. She doesn't think twice about saying what's on her mind. She's very honest and she always tells us what's best for us. We're both bookworms so we end up chatting about books and then boys. On the other hand, Julie, is really nice and feminine. She's the opposite of Pavs when it comes to clothes and style. I like her personal style a lot. She looks quiet but she's so talkative! We're always trying to help her grow up in the best way possible. We get along in many things. And we're the Fridays friends because we're going to have sleepovers, cooking sprees and crazy adventures.

If it weren't for them, I would have quit my job sooner. I really cherish them because I know I'm really lucky to know them. I have a feeling that we'll still stay together as time goes by.



Have you ever met anyone whom you liked so much that you kept in touch? That's what happened between me and Pau. We were in the same client interview last March. I passed, she didn't. What's strange is that we kept each other's phone numbers and texted a lot. Soon enough, she got into the company too! Can you imagine that we spent an amazing eight hours with each other after work? We talked about everything! We had so many things in common! Not to mention that she's also feisty, courageous and brutally frank. I admire her straight speech and her no-bullshit approach to life. I also introduced her to Pavs and Julie so she won't feel so lonely at work too. I don't know why! I just had a feeling that Pau and Pavs will get along exceptionally well, thanks to their candidness.



We're supposed to be sisters-in-law. Can you believe that? She was the girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend's brother. Still with me? Good. We're now the best of friends.

Anne is sweet, kind and hopeful. She's a really good person. I can't believe that Jason actually let go of her. When she broke up with him, we always talked about it. I comforted her. Neither of us knew that she'll repay the favor when Jerome broke up with me! Who would have thought that we'll both share the same fate over the formidable decision of the Palines brothers? We used to giggle and to imagine how much fun it would be to be actual sisters if we did end up with them. So we share disappointment and heartbreak as well. No wonder we're close to each other.

Now we're both radical self-love warriors. We pulled each other up when we felt down. We encouraged each other to smile. We'll still care and comfort each other, whatever happens. We have an understanding to enjoy our season of single blessedness. After all, we deserve more than we did before!

She wants to pursue medicine. I want to pursue creative writing. We talk about our dreams of travel frequently. We'll definitely be good travel buddies. Maybe someday we'll be friends with our exes but that's a long time. Who knows what the future will hold? We'll be stronger than before.


Jobel, me, Tita Medz and Erlinda

Jobel and Erlinda became my friends when we were working in our internship at the same company. I ended up dragging them along to my love for volunteer work. Jobel and I were always together then! We were assistants of thirteen different people with different requests. It was actually a lot of work. Jobel is now working with the Batangas Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BPCCI) as a sort-of liason officer thanks to Tita Medz. What I love about them is their youthful determination and their desire to help other people. Whenever we're together- Jobz, Erlinda, Joedz and me- we never run out of things to talk about! I really miss them too.


Jena and Rhena

They're actually best friends who share the same passion for God and for Herbalife. Jena used to be my coworker in my previous company. We kept in touch. She introduced me to the Herbalife lifestyle. Thanks to her, I've got great self-esteem and a positive outlook to life. She's a really sweet and kind girl. But she's rather reserved and discreet. Rhena, on the other hand, is getting married! Congratulations, dear! She's Jena's opposite because she's frank, assertive and strong. I used to tell Rhena all about my relationship problems and she has some amazing solutions. (I didn't listen to her assessment though. She always knew that Jerome didn't love as much as I thought.) Now, it's Jena and I who share the same love for being single.

We'll be together in business again, I know. Our paths might have veered away from each other but we're still walking in the same road.


Steven and me

Debbie and me

inz, Irene and me

Steve is my best guy friend. He was there to talk, to comfort and to provide advice. Now he has a girlfriend and lives in Singapore.

Debbie is always busy. But she always sends cute group messages that never fail to make me smile. I always miss her. Whenever we ride the same jeep to work, it makes me wish that we can go back to the days when we can just sit around and trade tales about love and heartbreak. She's also the strongest drinker that I know.

Irene is definitely an accomplish girl. She knows how to dance ballet and how to play the piano. Mama loves Irene because she's sweet and she doesn't hesitate to talk to her. I miss Irene so much because we used to share lots of things with each other too.

Vinz is in New York. We don't talk that much anymore but I really miss him! He's so full of stories and full of crazy escapades. I hope he's doing well...



We've been best of friends for such a long time! He was my best friend-boyfriend-exboyfriend-best friend again. We've been through plenty of ups and downs. He knows me inside and out. What's really amazing is that we're so much better together now. You wouldn't believe what a great and competitive relationship we have with each other! He inspires me to do more and to be more. I inspire him to go after his dreams and to never lose hope. We've always joked that we were soulmates. It's possible and it might be true. I wouldn't trade Harvey for anything in the world. With him, I am myself. And he accepts it.

I love Harvey's enthusiasm and his eagerness to put his dreams into reality! I don't know what I'd do without him. I am really glad that he's still my best friend even after what we've been though.


Vin, me and Eloisa

If you want to know something strange, ask them.

They're my friends for a long time now. We've been through some really weird situations but we've gone through it unscathed! Vin is serious, mature and comforting. He makes me want to talk to him. We've had several serious conversations before involving the world of spirits and the nature of vengeance. I believed Vin when he said that we've met each other in a past life. He's another one of my soul-mates. We were also roommates in hell, I think. Arvin is interested in plants, farming and the sciences. He doesn't look it but he's one hell of a warlock.

Eloisa is more normal. She's always hyper and on-the-go. She's a published author and a registered nurse. There's nothing standing in her way. I love Eloisa's craziness and disregard for public opinion. She also knows how to make me laugh. Weird enough, Eloisa's current crush shares the name of my ex-boyfriend (and the characteristics too!). She practices palmistry and loves to read Filipino romance novels.

We're always together so we can learn more about the art of fortune-telling. Arvin and I practices Tarot Cards while Eloisa does palmistry. And we have the same spiritual vibe. I can imagine how powerful we'll become someday.

Yes we are [friends] and I do like to pass the day with you in serious and inconsequential chatter.  I wouldn't mind washing up beside you, dusting beside you, reading the back half of the paper while you read the front.  We are friends and I would miss you, do miss you and think of you very often.  I don't want to lose this happy space where I have found someone who is smart and easy and doesn't bother to check her diary when we arrange to meet.  ~Jeanette Winterson, Written on the Body, 1992

meme, 30days, friend, best friend

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