Oct 15, 2005 20:24
Last night i went to what i thought would be the worst nightclub ever but i had a great time! IT was kathleens birthday night and we went to the candlerooms. Got drunk and it made it all better. We danced all night and ate loads of greasy food at the end, well I only had chicken nuggets but kathleen pushed the boat out and got 2 cheeseburgers and a hotdog. Take my hat off to her.
I nearly got in the car and drove back up to dundee about an hour ago, I'm so bored tonight, me and Teresa just had a huge fall out and its Alice's flatwarming party which everyone will be talking about on monday no doubt and lucky me gets to come back to kirkcaldy to work with screaming kids. Think i'm going to quit jumpin' jacks soon. I went for a waitressing job in dundee but havent heard back yet, the guy was foreign and i'm pretty sure he took my number down wrong but its a one minute walk from my flat so i can pop in soon. Really want to phone in sick tomorrow, its only 11-6pm but i really dont get on with the girls I work with, well we dont argue but i have no desire to be their friends.
Got a new phone, its really snazzy - holds music, kinda takes the specialness out of my ipod. Oh well. Ok i'm going to watch the x-factor, I just like it because of the binman, i hope he wins he's lovely.